Major fire at a recycling station in Fredrikstad


It burns heavily inside a building on Østfold recycling in Fredrikstad. There is probably no danger of proliferation, but the smoke is moving towards the center, police said.

– This is a complete reversal according to the firefighters. Director of Operations, Kari Monsen, in the NTB East Police District, just before midnight, said, "There is a lot of waste and a lot of heat. Monsen says the plant is located in an uninhabited area, but there is so much smoke that she is heading to the center of Fredrikstad.

– Smoke can be perceived as uncomfortable, so we encourage those affected to close the windows. 19659003] The chief of revenge Johnny Sannes at the police district of the is told to NRK at 1 o'clock that he is burning in large amounts of garbage

– It burns heavily in the trash residuals that different companies have delivered. We do not think that there is a risk of proliferation, but we can not guarantee it now. It still burns heavily. For the fire department, it is to limit the fire so that it does not extend further.

Sannes says that there is a risk that the building collides.

The Sarpsborg and Moss Fire Services help. Police reported the fire at 11:30 pm Thursday night. The reason for the fire is unknown.

(© NTB)

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