Make the entire festival free to commemorate firefighters, volunteers and victims


Privacy and Data Storage

Data Storage and Logging

By visiting this site, certain technical data about your Internet connection and browser is stored. This data can be classified as follows:

  • Cookies in your browser
  • Technical Information on Servers
  • User Information in Databases


This site uses cookies / "cookies" to improve

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Technical Information

When you visit a Web site, the Web server logs technical information such as your IP address, which browser you are using, and the time of each time you request data from the server, such as 39; is when you click on an internal link and load
a new site or related data such as fonts, images, different scripts required for the operation of the web page.

This data is only saved for some time to troubleshoot and malfunction in systems and never shared with newspaper or third-party employees.

User Details

We store some information about you as a user. This site does not store sensitive information, but simple contact information that you provide when you create a user account or purchase services in the online journal.
will be stored in our databases. This is necessary to provide you the services. This data will be deleted when you delete your user account

Who are we going to save the data from?

Visitors / shared readers:

If you visit this site without registering an account or subscription, the following data is stored: 19659009] Show more

Subscribers and subscribers:

If you choose to create a user account and / or an online journal subscription, the following information will also be retained: 19659009] Show more

NOTE: After deleting the data, they can be saved for up to 180 days in backups. Backups are stored with high security and limited access, and are necessary to drive

Your Rights:

As a user of this site, you may contact the newspaper to have your data disclosed and / or deleted.

Do you have a user account / subscription you can login enter your user profile and upload your saved data, as well as delete your user account and associated data at any time.

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If you press AVVIS No cookie is stored in your browser and no data about you is stored in our databases. It also means that we can not know whether you have approved or not,
Thus, you will see this warning on every page you visit. The technical information (web server logs) always stores your IP address and browser information, but will be deleted as described above.

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