Man does not return after Sunday training – crews are looking for



CONTINUE SEARCH : The man went on a training trip on a Sunday afternoon. Red Cross and many others are involved in the research.


SAVNET IN FJELLET : The man was going to train but did not return Sunday afternoon. (Photo: Screenshot Googlemaps)

The man (22 years old) was supposed to go to Mælefjellet at 3pm. When he had not gone home after several hours, the family set off the alarm.

  Nils Skumsvoll

The Director of Police Operations, Mariann Jore, told Varden Monday morning


More helicopter with Research

Mælefjell is located between Hjartdalen and Grunningsdalen, on the border between the municipalities of Hjartdal and Seljord.

The missing is a 22-year-old man living in the area who must be physically fit.

area and left the house at 15 Sunday afternoon.

– We received the message just before midnight Sunday. A rescue helicopter has been set up and the police helicopter is also en route, according to the head of the operation

The search also includes Red Cross teams, Norwegian rescue dogs , a climbing group and several police patrols. You are described as very illegitimate.

– The missing man rarely takes the same route on tour, which makes research a little more difficult on this type of terrain. He is stiff and insightful, but we seek to be complete, Jore points out.

He was also searched by boat at Hjartsjøvannet during the night.

Last contact at 17

The last time the man gave the sound to the family was at 17 Sunday afternoon

Missed 172 high, wearing shorts, a green t-shirt and trainers.

The search continues in the morning, says Jore.

Police Want Tipping at 02800 for Observations

Peeling Phone for Disappearing

Hjartdal Red Cross Relief Corps Helps in Search of the Man

AT 07:20 , Body Chief Audun Darrud announces that they are now trying to look at the missing phone to see where he stayed last when he made contact with the family.

– We have 30 Red Cross men looking for he now summons Varden

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