Mann accused of killing the cohabitant in Vesterålen



A man is accused of killing his cohabitant in a municipality of Vesterålen. The woman was found dead at home in August 2016.

published: Updated: 07.11.18 12:46

VG is informed that he is the former cohabitant of the woman who is now charged with the murder.

"This is a case that is the subject of a long-standing investigation, a suspicious death dating back to August 2016. In this case, a person has always had the status of his or her sentence but this status was due to the fact that the police had used compulsory funds, "said lawyer Kay Rønning-Nyvold at VG.

C & # 39; was Vesterålen online who reported the case first.

"At the same time, death has been investigated as a possible murder, investigations are still ongoing and a murder mission has been launched in the context of new investigations. is a preliminary trial, "said the lawyer.

Why did you call for killing?

"It is based on investigative investigations, both technical and tactical, which show that such a crime is well-founded," says Rønning Nyvold.

– You both investigated murder and murder. Is the assault tank now reinforced?

"We think that the suspicion of murder is reinforced, we believe that there is a basis for such a murderous vision, it does not exclude that we can still think that it was an assassination." said the lawyer.

VG updates this case.

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