Many new contents are on their way to Ni No Kuni 2


Have you looked for an excuse to return to Ni No Kuni II: Returning Kingdom, you may want to have the opportunity now.

This week, Bandai Namco has been blurred by all future DLC for the beautiful Ghibli roleplaying game: The downloadable content of the game comes in three different bolts, the first of which will offer more powerful bosses, new quests after completed the story, additional floors in the Faraway Forest and the opportunity to unlock new costumes.

One of the new Chief Fighters will appear on August 9

This expansion is expected to be launched in a few weeks, August 9, and will also be free.

More road information

The following two extensions are a little less detailed: the other comes in the winter and will include a new dungeon – here it is necessary to fight with strong enemies and challenges difficult to go further and further into the depths. [19659007] And one at

The third planned expansion is an additional story-driven package that will offer "exciting new content and new game mechanics," Bandai Namco said in a press release. Not so much in other words, but the promises of more history in the exciting universe of Ni No Kuni are exciting for many.

Our criticism can be among those. Øyvind Steinkopf Sund climbed to 8/10 to critics earlier this year, and wrote the following:

– It's been five years since Ni No Kuni: The Witch of the White Witch, so if you're one of those have fallen in love At that time, it is very likely that you will find a lot to appreciate here. The predecessor left the list almost unreasonably high, but that does not mean that Revenant Kingdom is anything but an awesome game capable of fending for itself.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is another game "cel-shadet" that will soon become a game.
Finally, you can play as Goku and Vegeta in the fast-paced fighting game

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