Marian Saastad Ottesen and Nils Jørgen Kaalstad: – The actors gave themselves their "yes"


It was in 2008 that it became official the duo Marian Saastad Ottesen (42) and Nils Jørgen "Jøgge" Kaalstad (39) were a couple.

Today the duo is getting married at the Fagerborg church in Oslo

A beautiful white wedding gown has shone the bride up and down when the newly married couple came to the l '. staircase of the church.

  NEWS: Marian Saastad Ottesen and Nils Jørgen Kaalstad have just been married. Here they stand outside the newly married Fagerborg Church. Photo: Andreas Fadum / View and listen
NEWS: Marian Saastad Ottesen and Nils Jørgen Kaalstad have just been married. Here they stand outside the newly married Fagerborg Church. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and listen
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Kaalstad and Ottesen both seemed very happy to have waved and smiled at their friends and family who were present.

Rolling in a Rolls-Royce, the newlyweds left the church and, according to photographer Se and Hør, were celebrating the continuing wedding at the Ekebergrestaurant in Oslo, with its almost 120 guests.

Began the celebration before

Among the guests who appeared there were several famous faces to see. Among other actors and designer Pia Tjelta, Marte Krogh, Sundnes Per and Motegunner Anett Ringstad.

Already yesterday, the aforementioned celebration of Kaalstad and Ottesen began. He documented among others Krogh and Ringstad on their Instagram accounts

Together for over 10 years

It was then that both played together at theater "Aladdin" outside Stavern 2008, that there should be warm feelings between the two actors.

In October of the same year, Nils Jørgen was present with the film "Fatso" – a comedy where he was playing the lead role of an excited girlfriend. On the private side, he was lucky, and after ten years of love, they were giving their yes for the weekend.

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He was at Bygdøy in Oslo last year, premiere in The second season of "Viking", the couple confirmed the wedding plans for Se og Hør.

– We will be husband and wife next year and, as I told Marian, having kids is really the one The worst downloads at a wedding, laughing " jogged. "

They have two sons and one daughter together, and so try to combine the existence of young children with full-time jobs. and be with the children. Great things do not take time. Fortunately, we have a good nanny named Rikke. She is completely raw and fits the kids now, Marian says.

The couple, who play together in the TV series "Viking", had her first child in 2011. In 2014 Marian appeared in the wedding of her friend Marte Krogh (43) with a new ball on her stomach, and she could confirm that she saw and heard that she was expecting her second child with Kaalstad.

– Yes, I'm waiting for a child before Sankthans, says a brilliant Ottesen to see him and listen to him.

All good things are three

Last year, the actress shared a picture on Instagram, confirming that the couple had become a parent of three.

"First Trumpets of Otto", it is written in the picture.

– We had a beautiful little boy named Otto, and with it are children in the majority. Everyone is happy, she said to see and listen on behalf of both

Marian, who starred in "Tatt of the Woman" and "Love Me Tomorrow", managed to become one of the

She contributed, among others, to the television series "Lilyhammer", which was sold to more than 130 countries, paying much attention to the actress .

Marian was pregnant with her son Sigrid's character in "Lilyhammer" was expecting twins. Unfortunately, Marian's birth was not as free of problems as it was on television.

The captivity went well, but the birth was dramatic. The newborn baby was putting on an intense week before anyone could predict how it should end.

– Such a crisis puts things into perspective. Once you have crossed it, you feel super strong. But it took time says Marian to Dagbladet

Sleeping with a knife under the bed

The actor says that having children has it made less frightened

– I was afraid of all the time, afraid of the dark, afraid of illness, I have long slept with a knife under the bed. and I was afraid of not getting things done. I went on a hit at the theater college and had to get some help to clean it up. Now I am not afraid, said Marian to the newspaper, and continued:

– I am very fond of my family.

The cohabitant "Jøgge" has in addition "Fasto" played in "Hodejegerne", "Staying Alive", "Snowfall", and is now relevant to the Stavanger film "Now It's Dark" "nominated for other awards Amanda.

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