Merat Bahta is the subject of an investigation for doping violation – Swedish athletes risk being banned after anti-doping rule violation


According to Aftonbladet, Swedish athlete star Meraf Bahta, 29, has failed to submit to three anti-doping tests and is therefore threatened with exclusion.

– I can confirm that an individual has three comments, but we will not confirm or declare who it is, "said National Director Karin Torneklint in Aftonbladet.

Aftonbladet revealed Thursday that the case concerns Merat Bahta, a Swedish midfielder.

May attend

Despite the suspicion, Bahta is still allowed to participate in EM.

– An athlete suspected of being reported is not automatically banned during investigations, "said Tommy Forsgren, head of the Swedish Antidoping Department, at the Swedish newspaper.

Bahta It is not automatically forbidden, it is up to him to decide Swedish partner who has to decide whether Bahta is allowed to participate in the European Championships or not.

– I do not want to talk about 39 Specific athletes, but purely procedural it is that a practitioner suspected of doping violations can still participate in championships, competitions and matches.Some doping rules involve automatic exclusion, others do not. This does not happen, continues Forsgren

Aftonbladet has also been in contact with the general secretary of the Swedish Athletics Association

– It is important to point out that it there is no claim yet. We submitted a request for re-evaluation to the Doping Committee with the application. We have good reason to believe that one of the notes will be deleted, "says Stefan Olsson

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It points out that on the federal side it does not matter. There are no sanctions against the practitioner and they will not do it.


There are only a few weeks left for the European Championship in Berlin and this time it is the Swedish athletics who is suffering from doping rituals.

Athletics star underwent three anti-doping tests

Rules say three missing tests or three administrative errors in the practitioner's reporting system for a period of 12 consecutive months constitute a violation of Anti-Doping Regulations. He writes Aftonbladet.

The sentence is usually an exclusion of 24 months, but may be reduced by the circumstances. There are also cases where practitioners are acquitted. An example of this is British cyclist Lizzie Deignan, who was released by the athletics court in CAS6 (2016) and was able to compete at the Olympic Games in Rio.

How it works:

– An athlete must indicate where you are sleeping and where you go Every day you must declare where you are at least 60 minutes a day

– Athletes may also be tested during the remaining 23 hours. If the athlete is not up in the hour, he said that he will be available, he gets a point. Three offenses can constitute an anti-doping rule violation, says Forsback.

Intermediate Racer

Merat Bahta is a Swedish middle distance runner who specializes at 1500 and 300 meters. She has already won gold at the Zurich EM in 2014 and the money in 2016 at 5000 meters.

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