Mezut Özil occupies the German national team – Özil withdraws from the national team. Longer to the president of football


– What made me the most frustrated, it is the treatment that I received from the German national team and especially the president of football Grindel. That means I do not want to wear a German national costume anymore. I feel junk and I feel that what I have managed to do with the national team since 2009 has been forgotten, writes Özil on Twitter.

In the wake of the World Championships and the drama surrounding the shooting with Turkish President Recep Erdogan, Özil chose to speak. He is extremely disappointed with the way some Germans and newspapers treated him, after the photo was taken until the end of the World Cup

– Racist people should not be allowed to work in the biggest football federation in the world. has many players with different ethnic backgrounds.

Jan Aage Fjørtoft responds to the news

– Özil has just announced his departure from the German national team. Congratulations to everyone who has intimidated him for this decision. Congratulations to all who said that it was the reason for a bad German World Cup. Thanks Özil for a good career for Germany, writes Fjørtoft on Twitter

Reviews against the national team

Reinhard Grindel came out in the media and blamed Ozil for the wrong World Championship. Germany did not manage to qualify for the last match, which shocked the world champions in power.

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Now, Ozil does not get any more and takes the case in hand

started to thank for all the support that he received.

– I played in the three toughest leagues in the world. I had never finished without my team and my team of coaches in the Bundesliga, Premier League and La Liga.

He continues to talk about the criticisms he received after bad football games, including in the media.

– I learned to cope. But what I do not care about is the German newspapers that owe my ethnicity and a unique image as the reason for the bad championship this year. They try to turn against me against a whole nation, he writes

The most shocking is perhaps that one. There are statements against the German national team, and in particular the president of football Reinhard Grindel.

Özil says he never felt at home at the national team

– In Grindel and his followers, I'm German when we win, but an immigrant when we lose.

– I was not accepted into the German society because of my background, despite paying taxes, donates money to German schools and wins the World Cup.

– I know that he wanted me to be absent from the national team. After that, he wrote it clearly on social media, but Joachim Löw and Oliver Bierhoff stood up for me and supported me, writes Özil.

Photo frame

The drama began after Özil and Erdogan were photographed together before the World Cup. Özil would like to explain why he was represented, both in Grindel and in the media, but was greeted by the political views of Grindel

– I grew up in Germany, but my family has deep roots in Turkey. I have two hearts, a german heart and a turkish heart. Mora Mi has learned to respect where I come from, and these are values ​​that I still have today, writes the Arsenal midfielder.

– That is why I was photographed with Erdogan and I tried to explain Grindel. Instead, he chose to talk about his own political views, Özil continues.

He writes that he also had a meeting with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was much more attentive than Grindel

– Frank-Walter Steinmeier was sincerely interested in this that I would say. We agreed to send a press release about this. It was grindel upset when he wanted the team to send out the first press release. He was also annoyed that Steinmeier and his press service were involved in the case, according to Özil.

As to the reason for the photo, the player explains as follows:

– The image had no political intuition. It was about respecting my highest family in my country of origin. I am a football player, not a politician, and our meeting had nothing to do with politics. I'm sure that respect for the political issue was also shared by the Queen and Theresa May when they received Erdogan in London, he writes.

Football World Cup

Mezut Özil says that they finally found a consensus.

– We finally agreed that the best thing was to focus on the World Cup in Russia, and that's what I did. Until now I refuse to blame for his incompetence and his inability to do the job properly.

Now Özil chooses to end his cooperation with the Germans.

– It's a hard work that I chose to entrust myself to the national team, because of this feeling of racism and disrespect. The choice was extremely difficult because I always gave everything to my teammates and coaches

– But when high ranking men of the German national team treat me as well as my roots and serve me as political propaganda, so that's enough. I refuse to let it go. Racism should never be accepted, he concludes.

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