More hot showers in northern Norway – NRK Nordland – Local News, TV & Radio


It is well above 20 degrees today in northern Norway. Several cities are trying to beat precipitation in northern Norway at 34.3 degrees.

At 12:19, it was possible to celebrate the warming order of the city. Then the thermometer showed 29.2 degrees, and reached the four-year record of 29.1 degrees.

– There is very hot air on Nordland now. 29.2 is one-tenth of the previous record of 2014, says Meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute, Jon Austrheim, at NRK.

Yesterday was also recorded hot record at Mo i Rana when the thermometer showed 32.6

– The heat record for Nordland is 33.8, it's a bit early to say s & # 39 he is touched, but this can certainly happen, says Austrheim

Eirik Mikal Samuelsen, who works as a researcher and meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute. in Tromsø wrote on his Facebook page that there could be a new hot record in northern Norway on Wednesday.

– The heat summit comes Wednesday, and as there are more winds in some places, there will be further heat recessions. Perhaps the maximum of 34.3 degrees of Northern Norway smokes somewhere, writes Samuelsen.

Tropenettes to the Nordland Mountains

On Wednesday, seven resorts across the country recorded tropical nights, including four mountain resorts. Skihytta in Glomfjord, Våtvikfjellet in Sandhornøya in Gildeskål, Tverrfjellet in Glomfjord and Fagernesfjellet in Narvik, were mountain resorts that had a tropical night.

The other three places that might note the tropenatt were the two types Strømangen and Færder in the outer Oslofjord fjord, as well as the plain in Glomfjord in Nordland.

– It is unusual with troposets in hill stations, but Helgeland has experimented with tropets many times before, it is not uncommon there, says meteorologist Jon Austrheim

Tropenatt means that there are no temperatures below 20 degrees

– Can we expect a few other tropics in the future?

– It seems like it was the hottest night to Wednesday, and it seems like there are more tropics in the future.

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