More people involved in the fighting in Oslo. The man had deep cuts on his face.


On the night of 04 to Saturday, Oslo police reported that one person had been cut to the face with a sharp object on the Calmeyer Gate in Oslo

– We received a phone of a colleague on fritia. He had come to fight. He saw that one of them had a deep cut to the face, a dull edge as he blew, "said Rune Ullsand, director of operations at Oslo Police.

The man was taken to the hospital.

There must have been five or six people involved in the fight when the police officer passed by accident.

All those involved in the fight must be men in 20

Police quickly took control of three of the people involved, but she came out with the illumination of what would be the author

After searching in the center of Oslo, the police arrested a man for 20 years. 19659002] – He is essentially charged with bodily harm, so we'll see what it's all about, says Ullsand to NTB

Police have been questioning witnesses and also working to retrieve the video from l & # 39; incident. 19659002] – If anyone saw anything, we would like them to contact us, "says Ullsand.

The article goes on during the announcement

The Battle of Calmeyer was not the only incident had to take hold during the night.

A little over 24 hours five arrested a man in Brugata, suspected of stealing a five gazebo minutes earlier

– A knife was stolen under the threat of threatening, but no one is physically injured, writes Oslo police on Twitter.] The kiosk workers explained that "no one was injured. he had been caught and threatened with a knife and had once been able to give the police a good description of the thief, who led them to arrest him immediately.

– The perpetrators are physically intact and are followed by an employer, says Ullsand [19659002] The fact that the attacker brought something from the kiosk is uncertain.

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