Municipality incorrectly calculated – must pay 1.2 million


Companies of the municipality of Ullensaker, Romerike, are reimbursed the bill of a local tax on waste.

Since the beginning of the year, companies have been required to pay additional charges for all sewage discharged into the drainage hatches. When the fat limit is exceeded, it is determined by a local regulation – Regulation on water and drainage charges, which were introduced from the New Year.

However, the municipality discovered an error in local regulations. Romerike Blad writes.

This is the main center of Jessheim who reacted by receiving a tax of over 15 million Norwegian kroner. 19659002] – We received a return from the main center and reviewed the calculations. Then we discovered that the big numbers of the big center do not match. Johansen says, "The reason companies get what they paid for is that the municipality can not provide any additional fees until the by-laws have been officially reviewed and the commission file is corrected, not done. in a handshake.

(© NTB)

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