No offense to the law for Lundin and Ocean Rig


The Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority oversaw the long-term test of the Lundin Norway 7220 / 11-5 S well in the Barents Sea. The audit also included Ocean Rig as the possession of SUT for Leiv Eiriksson, writes the PSA.

The objective was to follow that the regulatory requirements were followed in long-term tests. The interaction between the operator, the shipowner and the contractor, as well as the technical solutions to risk mitigation measures, were at the heart of the audit carried out between March 22nd and the June 28, 2018.

– Lundin believes that activity and that it started early enough. The most important stakeholders of EWT have all participated in the planning process from the beginning, and our impression is that the cooperation between the concerned parties has been good, writes the Petroleum Safety Authority.

No derogation from the regulations has been identified. Lundin and Ocean Rig must, before August 20, evaluate the points of improvement observed. , v n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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