"For Ola and Kari Nordmann, it's a bay," says associate professor Siv Fagertun Remberg at NMBU.
But all the little dots on the strawberry are nuts in the botanical sense.
– Strawberry is what we call a "fake fruit", says Remberg to research.no.
This means that it is the flower bed itself that has grown to become the berry or fruit we eat.
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The small stems that protrude from some nuts are leftover scratch – the link between the scar and the seed itself. This is the case that the pollen is captured.
– The strawberry flower has a lot of scars and everyone must be fertilized for the result to be a perfect strawberry.
When the seed, that is to say the nut, is fertilized, it produces a hormone that stimulates the flower bed for it to swell.
– If you see a cross section of a strawberry, you will see some wires that go into the bottom of the flower.
From each seed, a thread goes to the center. A seed that is not fertilized will not send a message to the bottom of the flower. So, he is not going to just inflate there.
"If you pick strawberries in the wild, you will not think so carefully," says Remberg.
But in the dessert plate, you might think that these strawberries are a little weird. That's why they are removed before coming so far.
In any case, each nut or seed can become a new strawberry plant. But this is not how producers fill their fields.
To be absolutely sure of the quality, manufacturers use cloning.
"They take seedlings from the mother plants and make exactly the same genetic material because that's what we want in production.
That's what we want in the store basket, as we also call it.
forskning.no microscope
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