Nortura worries large amounts of meat in cold rooms


The case is updated

– We usually add a plan that matches the demand for fresh meat in the market, but now that there are a lot of animals to slaughter, we have to freeze large volumes. It's a challenge. Said Arne Kristian Kolberg, CEO of Nortura, at Dagens Næringsliv.

Although there is usually a net loss on cattle and a large import of beef, the situation is reversed because it can suddenly be too much beef. One question is whether early slaughter means that more beef may be needed later on.

– The goal is to produce good grades of frozen foods that are attractive to the market, says the Nortura boss. own emergency group that now manages the drought situation. Kolberg does not hide the fact that the situation is dramatic.

– Those who are really affected are our owners, the owners of cattle, and especially those who manage cattle and sheep. One thing is the current situation, but from autumn to the end of the winter, it is bad. Without bond solidarity, where farmers help each other, the situation would be much worse, says Kolberg

(© NTB)

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