Norwegian celebrities on summer vacation: – See celebrities' private summer photos


The summer is underway, and celebrities and others are enjoying a few days of long awaited vacation.

In social media, the slogan "well spent but at home" seems to fit most Norwegian celebrities. Despite the fact that large parts of Norway have been served sun and heat far beyond the norm, there are still more who choose to take the summer holidays abroad.

On the internet, celebrities share frequent vacation photos with fans. precisely rock "data-srcset =" // 640w, // 69938749 & x = 0 & y = 0 & cropw = 100 & croph = 89.944134078212 & width = 644 & height = 322 & compression = 80 1024w, // 320w "src = "" />






Christine Dancke, 34, is among those who are spending their holidays in Norway this year.

34-year-olds share pictures of walks in the forests and fields with their hammocks. see above and see earlier this summer that it is precisely what she plans to do the rest of the summer.

– I'm going to the festival and I'm in the hammock in the woods, Dancke says See and Hør meet her under VG's list earlier this summer. [19659009] Dancke, however, is not the only one who has been in the festive summer this year. The programmer Markus Bailey (25 years) could also say that Norway 's holidays have exceeded this summer.

– I will turn. No, I will not do it. I go to Norway in many festivals to do more jobs.

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On Instagram, the 25-year-old shared several photos of his holidays at the festival


Actress Lisa Tønne (40) D & On the other hand, have chosen to take their holidays abroad this year, probably to lick a little sun. However, that would not be the case. According to Instagram, she received rain, and returns to the heat of Norway.

– Do you have sun?

Lisa Tønne's girlfriend and colleague, Sigrid Bonde Tusvik (38), has published more photos of their holidays with the family.

– Kvakk Kvakk writes Norwegian comedian for the image of her and her two children

In an interview with Henrik Thodesen (37 years old), one of Tusvik's good friends he revealed that there will also be some sunny days in France this summer. Holidays that have become a tradition

– The friendship has an annual trip to France. It is, among other things, Sigrid Bonde Tusvik and his family. Plus, my sister is getting married so I'm going to Heidal in July, I told Thodesen to see and hear earlier this summer.


TV profile Vegard Harm (22) also spent a few sunny vacation days with good friends On Instagram, he published several photos of Marbella in Spain, with the gang that he calls "Paradise Hotel 2019. "

After Instagram to judge, it seems that the popular 22-year-old has good food with good food and refreshing bath

"Best Home Page"

Although several Norwegian celebrities made the trip abroad, there are several who chose to stay at home in warm weather

. Radio star Siri Kristiansen (40) knows how to spend her holidays at home in Norway and at her home town.

On Instagram, she sends a somewhat boring message to those who have chosen to leave the country. Relax in a swimming pool with a drink in hand, she writes the following:

– Enjoy your meal abroad. I prefer the Son. The place without Mondays, she writes.

Kristiansen is not the only one to choose Norwegian summer this year. Several members of the Norwegian royal family also shared several pictures of their idyllic holidays in southern Norway and in the hut of Hankø

Recently, the princess Märtha Louise (46 years) told the plans for the summer and the memories of his childhood. NRK.

– This year I will be at the Hankø cottage with the children, and a bit childless.

The 46-year-old man also shared several photos of the idyllic holiday paradise at Instagram.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit (44 years old) offered her vacation


Recently, programmer Katarina Flatland (29) was forged in the links of the anthem with his girlfriend for many years, Harald Meling Dobloug

This summer has been in the book of the anthem with his girlfriend. The newlywed couple spent in Spain on their honeymoon, the first of which often shared more idyllic photos with the fans. Recently, the couple returned to Norway, where love continues to flourish.

In addition, the star of skier Johannes Thingnes Bø (25 years old) spent the last weeks on vacation with his new wife Hedda Kløvstad Dæhli. Honeymoon days were spent in the romantic city of Venice and ended at the Stavern Festival

The newly married and loving couple also shared romantic images in social media.


The love of Instagram did not stop there. The radio profile of Ronny Brede Aase (31 years old) spent much of the summer with his beloved Tuva Fellman (31 years old).

When Aase during Universal announced his summer party earlier this year, Se and Hør could say that he should be with the Swedish girlfriend to celebrate his mother-in-law's sixtieth birthday.

– I am very excited about Swedish professional life. It will be very exciting. It's going to be a week that I do not know exactly what I mean, but I'm ready, he said.

On Instagram, Aase shared several photos of his stay in Sweden, where he seems to have received several interesting tasks. ] Aleksander Rybak (32) spent hot summer days with his boyfriend this summer

On Instagram, 32-year-old shared several summer photos with his beloved Julie Gaarud Holm, that reveals the key to a successful relationship

– Our relationship is based on friendship and not on property, writes the 32-year-old feltsanger, adding:

– When we go visit, we put away our phones and computers and we focus on each other

Summer Job

For other celebrities, summer is a treat for work. Especially among the artists. For the musician Sandra Lyng, 31, who does not let pregnancy put an end to her career, summer is spent mostly on tour

– This summer I'm on tour. I have one to two gigs this week, so it's going to be a little difficult to take a vacation this year, "said Sandra Lyng when Se and Hør met her at the summer party. Universal earlier this summer

31-year-old musician has time to take a break between battles

For 30-year-old musician Martin Bjercke, known to DJ CLMD, much of the holiday Summer is used for work.The young man of 30 years works among others with a single that he will distribute in the autumn

– Bjercke told Se og Hør that his girlfriend Alexandra Backstrøm (30 years old) looks forward to growing up in the fall.

– She usually works a lot in the summer – she may think that it's a bit boring.Bjercke said to Se og Hør.

See more pictures of celebrities summer hall:

ALSO READ: The girlfriend surprised a with rude comment on Instagram

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