Norwegian citizen arrested for killing a spouse in Pakistan


The man who lives in Oslo is accused of killing his 40-year-old wife, as well as killing two other people.

– The man has a spouse in Norway. In 2006, he married the second husband in Pakistan, and it is the woman now deceased. She was a Pakistani citizen and has never lived in Norway. These two children had common children, says Anne Alræk Solem, head of the investigation section on serious violence

. The assassination took place on May 31, 2017. TV 2 spoke to the eyewitnesses to the murder. They tell him that the woman was shot at 7:30 am while she was going to work.

The 63-year-old man was sentenced Thursday at the Oslo court. There, he was jailed for four weeks by letter, visit and media ban. Police say that there is a major investigation into the matter, according to TV 2, the Oslo police investigated the matter silently for a year.

– The motive for the assassination is a key issue in the investigation, said Sturla Henriksbø, a police lawyer, at a press conference at 11 am

– We we also ordered the death of two other people. people in Pakistan. These killings have not been executed, said Solem.

These two people should be close to the 63-year-old man, but the police do not want to provide more details about it now.

– There is ample evidence in the case. The victims had a long interview with the police and they will continue, says Henriksbø

The victim has been living in Norway for more than 40 years, where she is also married and has children.

The murder took place in Shahdara, a suburb of the city of Lahore. The author, a security guard, must have been defeated by witnesses.

  • Woman discharging in Pakistan. Aftenposten wrote about Norwegian Pakistani men living in Norway, marrying women from Pakistan, getting children with them and throwing them in Pakistan.

Sentenced Refusing Penalty

To the police in Pakistan, he had to explain that it was about a murder of order from Norway. In front of a Pakistani television channel, he claimed that he had been promised 100,000 rupees (about 6,600 Norwegian kroner), but he claims to have received only 11,000 rupees. It corresponds to 700 Norwegian kroner, reports TV 2.

Oslo police believe that the 63-year-old man should have made numerous attempts to bribe the Pakistani police in order to launch criminal prosecution. He is wanted in Pakistan and has not been able to travel there without risking arrest.

– He denies the punishment, says the human rights defender Marius Dietrichson, in Aftenposten.

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