Norwegian farmers lack food for at least 12,000 animals – NRK Hordaland – Local information, television and radio


– It opens registrations, says Jørn Erik Toppe.

On Sunday, NRK announced the new website of the Bergen Federation, The purpose of the site is to connect farmers who lack food to farmers who have animal feed

The context is the dry weather that has given Norway's biggest food crisis for decades.

The website was launched, more than 400 farmers across the country have reported what they are missing. And the difference between those reporting missing and those who say they have extra food is huge:

Precipitation shows that all farmers who registered are in total 39,000 round bales in less. This means that more than 12,000 animals lack food.

  Jørn Erik Toppe, farmer in Bergen

HELP: Jørn Erik Toppe is a farmer and hopes his site will help farmers during the drought crisis.

Photo: Private

– That strikes hard

Now Tops is working on entering numbers that show which municipalities are the hardest hit and which animals are short of food.

He thinks that the big The number of documents shows the scale of the food crisis

– This mainly concerns dairy cows, sheep and horses, but I'm not sure how much it's worth. I have also received a request for food for everything from llama to 30 rabbits. So, that strikes a wide range, he says.

  The farmer Reidun is fortvila

FOREWORD: Reidun Weum, farmer in Skotselv, is desperate for the bad massacre. It shows how much the grass should have been high.

Photo: Privat

– Farmers call with scream in the throat

The Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Council (NLR) says that persistent drought, especially in the south and east of Norway , causes significant financial losses for farmers

In addition, a personal burden for many. According to press officer Christian Lund, Josefa Andreassen Torp, NLR adviser in Grimstad, says desperate peasants are wondering how to feed them. handle the situation

– It's almost so that they're talking screaming in the throat. It affects all your work of life, says Torp.

She worked for Norwegian Farming Advisory for seven years and says she has never experienced a similar crisis.

– This is not just a situation that concerns a small area. Where you could buy food from other places in the country or neighboring countries, it is now almost impossible to get food at all.

  Brown fields

DREAM: Advisor to the Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Board in Grimstad, Josefa Andreassen Torp, says she has never experienced a drought crisis similar to this one in seven years.

Photo: Truls Ødegaard / soldier

Gives advice to farmers

Torp fears that more farmers will find no other way out than the massive slaughter of the stock.

– This is a crazy food deficit. It's a state of emergency, she says.

Reidar Almås, professor of rural sociology, believes that the Toppe site is a good measure to remedy the crisis.

Almås also comes with the following farmer advice:

The professor warns farmers to slaughter.

– Farmers must not take down panic now. It will create imbalances in many markets and farmers will lose weight, he says.

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