"Norwegians have every reason to be dissatisfied with Tesla – DN.no


There are more than 26,000 Tesla cars on Norwegian roads. Only last year 8460 cars were registered – more than doubled. The capacity of the workshop has long been blown. This winter, Tesla has promised to recover and promise to employ more than 300 new employees in 2018. Few things happened

Tesla boss, Elon Musk, knows the problems of the Norwegian owners of Tesla.

"Norwegians have every reason to be dissatisfied with Tesla We have trouble developing service centers, especially in Oslo" , he wrote on Twitter

He thinks there is a solution.

"This can be resolved quickly with mobile service vehicles.We await the approval of the authorities to do this", he writes for an answer from Rehan Hussain, referring to the negative agreement on the media around Tesla for the moment

– From bad to hopeless

Aart-Jan Wijngaarden in Bergen has established his own account Twitter to express his dissatisfaction directly to Elon Musk and Tesla.

"It's a shame to see that Tesla's reputation is destroyed by a terribly poor service in Bergen and a waiting list of 5 to 8 months repaired a Tesla. Your most loyal customers will be disappointed and will have a negative impression of Tesla. What are you going to do? He asked Elon Musk on May 28

In a new message this week to Tesla, he urges Tesla not to send more cars to Norway.

"Service workshops can not handle the current fleet." 4-10 months waiting for service or repair, and desperate owners Tesla, "writes Wijngaarden.

Loyal Tesla owners are considering canceling orders.

"When we got our X in it took two months, I finished it now, X 's sold out again when we realized we did not want to have it. 39; a car so expensive, but the wait and the uncertainty were absolutely triggers for the sale! "Writes" Bjoris "on elbilforum.no. 19659002] "Bjoris" is waiting for Tesla's "Model 3". Tesla had problems with the production of "Model 3". The goal of producing 5,000 units a week before the end of the second quarter was achieved with a slight margin last week. This week, production has been silent for a few days at the factory.

"I am more and more sure that we do not wonder if they are still waiting for the service centers.For us, it takes a day of work to get the delivery and pick up the car too … I hope that they will have the floor before 3 o'clock, I think that they can go from bad to despair, "writes" Bjoris. "

" We often talk about Norway showing a preview of the future of electric cars in the world.Elon Musk has been very active on Twitter over the last 24 hours and has criticized the Reuters news agency, the CNBC business chain, and Insider Corporate Insider for his reporting of errors

Han journalist Linette Lopez accuses of having published several fake articles on Tesla with as source the shortest selection of Jim Chanos

"@ lopezlinette, can you act as a source of insiders for one of the biggest sellers to trick Tesla Green? "

She thinks she's exposed to a sword campaign staged by Elon Musk.

"I want to point out that @elonmusk is in the process of browsing my Facebook history and taking snapshots to share with them friends on the internet.If you invest in Tesla or if you buy a Tesla, it's something you should rely on, "she writes. (Terms)

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