NOW: Hair wins at Hareide in Telemark – but to no avail


BØ IN TELEMARK (Dagbladet): The majority of the KrF Telemark decided Wednesday night to support the party leader Hareide's wish to probe the government's possibilities with the Ap and the center party.

But the decision is difficult.

After voting at an extraordinary annual meeting at Telemark KrF in Bø tonight, 42 out of 78 votes were obtained for the benefit of the Støre government. A voice was empty. 35 votes were voted for a government with Erna Solberg.

Victory of Hareide, despite the difficult result, Telemark KrF sends three red delegates and three blue delegates to the National Assembly on November 2nd. The balance of the party's mandate is therefore unchanged.

County Chief disappointed

County Council Chief KrF Telemark, Erik Næs, expressed his disappointment after the vote. Næs said he hoped for a vote giving more mandates to the red side.

"We had three votes to get an extra mandate on the red side, so I'm not honest if I say I'm not a little disappointed now, at the same time, I'm proud of my county team, we had a neat and positive debate that shows that we can move forward together, said Næs til Dagbladet.

After Rogaland KrF voted this weekend for the blue government – sending 15 blue and one red delegates to the country meeting – the wind got stronger in the party. This week, Buskerud County Councils, Finnmark, Hedmark and Oppland all indicated that they were supporting the Hareide Roadmap.

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During the ballot to the government – whatever its color – 74% of the KrF Telemark wanted the parent party to apply for government power.

Tilting region

As the meeting approached, the result generated a lot of enthusiasm. Knut Arild Hareide even described the Telemark Kremark as a pivotal state and was unsure of the support he would give to his leadership. Still, Telemark KrF was expected to lean in the red direction.

During the evening, a number of people arrested the president of the assembly and spoke out against the formation of a government with the Labor Party.

"Through the ages, the movement of monkeys and trade unions has gone a long way from KrF," said Hans Edvard Askim.

"Being in government with Jonas is one thing – it's the rest of the party that's the problem," said Torgeir Ljosland, "and forced Israel and abortion to be cases where KrF and Ap are diametric opposites. .

Three roads

Three KrF members described tonight talked about each of their leadership choices for the party in Bø tonight.

The deputy Olaug Bollestad was accused of entering the Solberg government, while Geir Jørgen Bekkevold spoke to seek a government with Ap and Sp. Hans Fredrik Grøvan pleaded for staying in the opposition and did not lead the government.

Bekkevold says that he does not like very much that MP Kjell Ingolf Ropstad has consulted the right before taking out his abortion at VG.

Yesterday, Dagbladet was able to note that KrF's vice president had repeatedly discussed the party's election with key figures from the right wing, including press officer Peder W. Egseth.

Bollestad was the only member of the KrF leadership to attend the meeting. She therefore violated the principle of party leadership that none of the three leaders should go alone at a county council meeting. Bollestad read an SMS from Knut Arild Hareide and concluded that the party leader was still attending the meeting of the mind.

Bollestad, but not Ropstad

KrFU chief Martine Tønnesen was originally to defeat the right wing of the party tonight. She resigned because she felt "very skewed that a parliamentary delegate going to her home would discuss with the youth officer".

Tønnesen confirms to Dagbladet that she invited Kjell Ingolf Ropstad to meet in his place.

"I asked Kjell Ingolf if he could leave for me, and he basically said yes." Now, Olaug has traveled instead, and I find that good, says Tønnesen.

Why did he become Bollestad – and not Ropstad – who met him in Bø tonight is uncertain. It is speculated whether Ropstad would have refused to withdraw from party leader Knut Arild Hareide. Dagbladet said this week that Ropstad is ready to assume leadership of the KrF, according to sources in the Dagbladet central newspaper.

"I was asked today if I could go here." It did not suit Kjell Ingolf, says Bollestad in Dagbladet just before the start of the meeting.

Ropstad today confirmed to Dagbladet that he would not retire from the position of vice president if Knut Arild Hareide imposed himself face to face with the showdown.

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