– Now, it was a little much at once – DN.no


– We created two new companies, moved into new premises, invested in new businesses and projects, and invested in the development of new technologies. It is natural for us to invest in new businesses and new projects, but now it's a little much at a time, "says Bente Kvam Kristoffersen, CEO of Trigger at DN

. Last year, it fell sharply, showing the accounts of 2017. The Oslo parent company Trigger lost more than 34% of its turnover and had to record for the first time a loss of 5, 2 million crowns

Trigger (Group), profit for the year 2017 Revenue
Revenue 54.2 82.6 -34.4%
Operating profit (Ebit), 5 8.8 -%
Profit before tax -5.2 8.8 -%

According to Kvam Kristoffersen, the loss is due to the creation of several new companies and the development of new technologies as part of the restructuring in order to become a development agency, a commitment to the former CEO and main owner Preben Carlsen before last spring.

  • Communication agency created in autumn 2010 by Markus Eckbo Endresen, Preben Carlsen, Camilla Kim Kielland and Henrik Røtjer Guderud
  • Endresen is the only one who stays with the founders. Kielland works as director of communication at Schibsted Media, while Guderud went to Anorak advertising agency
  • Finn's commercial director, Ruben Søgaard, took over the presidency of the company after Carlsen earlier this year .

– Going through a digital transformation is demanding. To succeed, one must bet, and when I headed Trigger, we decided to give it an unqualified attempt. We had planned to invest heavily and we knew we would become less in 2017, but we lost more than we thought. The main reason is that we have experienced how demanding it is to combine long-term investments in new technologies and start-ups, while we have a core business to deal with, Carlsen writes to DN in a text message [19659020] The change was announced, the company announced that it would focus more on advice on digitization and business development than the communication work for which they were known, in order to position themselves for similar needs of their customers in the future. direction. At the same time, we focused on the involvement of our customers in the development work. We knew it would be difficult – completely snowy we were not – but it became more difficult than we thought. The terrain was more unknown than what we saw for us, says Kristoffersen.

Conversion currently costs millions to the business. It also cost the work of eight employees of the company.

– The ground floor is something you only do when you absolutely need it. It was not one of the eight that we had to leave, we wanted to lose. What has been important to us is to have open communication throughout the process, so as not to create uncertainty. This is never a good mood of staffing, but we have experienced tremendous professionalism among the employees and we really saw that they helped each other out and helped each other out, explains Kristoffersen.

She states that at least five employees must leave found new jobs.

New technology was created

Management assures DN that the conversion of operations was a decision that all Trigger employees were still late.

– The only reverberation we have is that we could have previously differentiated this operation into new companies, as we have done now, says partner and entrepreneur Markus Eckbo Endresen.

19659035] The consulting companies Folk and Reodor both emerged from Trigger last year. The owners of Trigger hold a total of 40% of the shares of Reodor, which in turn owns 75% of People

The majority shareholders of Trigger and Reodor are former CEO Preben Carlsen, who left Trigger in March for develop the Timeshift digital consulting platform in Reodor. . This platform called the old Pathfinder, and was developed in and by Trigger

The development of this platform is one of the things that were ingenious for Trigger l & # 39; 39, last year, says Kristoffersen

– How does it feel? The platform is now subdivided into a new company whose Trigger itself does not have official ownership or control?

– We have found it necessary. We did not have enough resources to continue developing the tool. Now it is set to Reodor, which has a basic business model that is best suited to Timeshift, for us it will be an advantage. We will continue to appreciate the platform when it will work fully, "she says.

Not fear for the future

It's not just Timeshift that has joined Carlsen outside of Trigger. Some of the salaries and staff costs of the parent company were also divorced in Reodor, formerly known as Trigger X.

– If they had not been divorced from Trigger, the deficit would be higher, confirms Kvam Kristoffersen

. Neither Endresen nor Kristoffersen fear the future of the company.

– This may seem odd in a context of poor results and downsizing, but I never think I have been so optimistic about the future. the path to follow. At the beginning, Trigger was unique because we combined different disciplines within the communication profession. This also has our competitors now. Now, I think we have something that stands out again, "says Endresen

Expensive Investment in Sweden

The Trigger World subsidiary, which drives the group's business in Sweden, also reports a negative annual profit from 10.7. million crowns. He intervenes after a write-down of the company's financial assets of NOK 10.4 million

– We did so on the recommendation of the auditor. This was a review by the auditor based on our consolidated accounts and a write-down of several investments made in 2017. We chose to listen to the recommendation, explains Kvam Kristoffersen.

She does not want to notice the investment in Sweden as wrong. ] – We knew it was a tough market with a tough competition. Nevertheless, it was slower than expected. I do not want to say that it was wrong. It's hard to start in a new market, "says Kvam Kristoffersen. (Terms)

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