Now, the trade war between the United States and China is ongoing –


The trade war between the United States and China was officially launched Friday morning, Norwegian time, after US President Donald Trump followed the threats to impose sanctions on Chinese products. worth $ 34 billion.

same piece saying that the country is obliged to repay, according to Bloomberg.

  • In mid-June, the United States confirmed that it was introducing 25% of Chinese Chinese products, including batteries, chemicals and technology, worth $ 50 billion
  • ]. other agricultural products, seafood and cars for the same value.
  • Trump increased his efforts and threatened to exchange goods worth about $ 200 billion with even more Chinese products.
  • Penalties for goods worth $ 100 billion between the United States and China are introduced as of July 6.

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Trump also threatened to put away the punishment against China last night.

"First, it will be $ 34 (billions of dollars, red.) And the new 16 in two weeks." As you know, we have $ 200 billion on hold, then $ 300 billion. So, we have 50, over 200 and almost 300, "Trump asked questions about what he would do if there were reprisals from China – as the Chinese authorities have promised. "1965-1911" Troubled "

Nordea chief psychologist Amy Yuan Zhuang in Asia told DN Thursday that the new escalation would hit China hard

– At most, a customs war intensified can result in the imprisonment of Chinese goods for a total amount of $ 450 billion.This equates to 90% of China's exports to the United States each year and will be very serious, she said.

Zhuang thinks it's disturbing that the world's two largest economies behave this way. [19659013] – As an economist, I think that should have been avoided and that free trade is the best solution. It's also a good example of what distinguishes economic and purely political considerations – and what are the winning voters, says Zhuang, who closely follows developments in Singapore. (Terms)

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