– Publishing on external platforms always involves an ethical discussion for NRK as a public broadcaster. We use external platforms only in cases where we find that we do not properly reach the target groups in our own channels, "said Laurie MacGregor, social media advisor at NRK.
Starting Wednesday, NRK will find Snapchat's new "Shows" feature, as well as a selection of other Norwegian actors. NRK will publish weekly short episodes of the Newton Science Program and the NRK Flippklipp Super Program. The episodes "Shows" will last about five minutes with custom clips from content already published on other channels.
"It's a secret that young people are on digital channels." If we reach young people with relevant content, we may need to use external platforms in some cases, but under the same conditions. strict, says MacGregor.
Deployment of a new feature in Norway
Norwegian users can watch local content on Snapchat since January 2017, when VG, as the only Norwegian media, launched a Snapchat channel in the "Discover" section. Snapchat is now focusing more on Norwegian content and is launching "Snapchat Shows" in Norway. Here, the selected Norwegian actors will have their own profile, where they will be able to publish episodes and let the followers subscribe to their content.
"This is what we think of modern TV content, with a short, vertically designed content filled with images and visual effects," said Rami Saad, head of international content cooperation at Snap, the company behind Snapchat.
Saad examines the existing Snapchat Discover publishing chain, where VG became the only Norwegian media outlet in January 2017, as a digital magazine with a focus on user participation with answers to questions, clicking and by slipping. Snapchat's broadcasts should be a more linear experience, like watching TV in a mobile format.
In addition to NRK, Snapchat has partnered with VGTV, Matkanalen, Media 247, Geeohsnap and Splay. The first will broadcast the "Club Against Trafficking" on the social media platform.
The "Spårtklubben" (VGTV), the "Alvorsprat" (Splay), the Matkanalen and the geeohsnap are among the Norwegian actors who find Snapchat Shows. The remaining "broadcasts" are the "Sports Bible" (Media247 as), "Newton" (NRK) and "NRK Flippklipp" (NRK).
(Photo: Snapchat)
"We have a team that has hand-sorted these creatures of content, and we've partnered with some of Norway's top brands, and these are a wide range of content that can be of interest to our users," says Saad.
NRK does not win money
Saad explains that Snapchat's collaboration with content producers usually involves a breakdown of the revenue generated by the ads placed in the clips.
– The opportunity to earn money will be available from the first day. We will create sustainable business models for those who share their content on our platform, by launching their own ad format for "Shows," which consist of non-skippable advertising clips, says Saad.
This will not be the case for the content of NRK on Snapchat.
– There will be no ads associated with our content. We do not have any revenue from this collaboration and we did not spend a penny to publish Snapchat "Shows", says MacGregor in NRK.
She says that NRK is aware that it uses external platforms, while containing advertisements in other parts of the platform, and that the state channel is therefore restrictive. in its use of platforms other than their own.
– The content of Shows is not exclusive, but is cut into already published content. In addition, we will bring people back to our own main channels. Our goal is to build NRK, not the external platform
Employees have access to the user data and measurement tools of the Snapchat platform. He believes that MacGregor is a valuable asset to the NRK.
"Here we can get a lot of information that allows us to make wise choices about the best use of our limited resources," MacGregor said.(Conditions)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our business using a link directly to our pages. The copy or any other form of use of all or part of the content may only be done by written authorization or as permitted by law. For other terms please see here.
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