– Of course, I have 100 percent in shares – DN.no


Egil Meihack, 45, is a graduate economist and works in the oil industry. He is above average interested in saving. In ten years, he bought his first shares.

– I bought two shares of Norsk Hydro at the Hetland Sparebank counter in Jæren. And then, it was to check the course on teletext every day after school, Meihack said.

He invests in both individual stocks and funds, and also launched last year's innovations: the IPS retirement savings product and the savings account. ASK shares


– Of course, I have 100 percent in shares, and I do not think to lower the share even in the payment period. According to him, 10 to 15 years of distribution on payments are enough to cover the risks.

A higher equity share was paid for 97 years

Retirement providers like DNB, Storebrand and Gjensidige recommend savings for retirement. personal pension and retirement by employer – reduced participation in the last 15 years before retirement. If you buy a customer like "Recommended Pension" or "Balanced Pension" products, you will not even choose. Participation automatically decreases when you reach the age of 40.

You lose your retirement, according to calculations, economist Bjørn Erik Sættem de Nordnet did. It has been 150 years in history to document the loss.

– We counted on the difference in pension payments by having money in stock rather than having it in a combination of interests and shares for 97 cohorts . The savings profile with 100% shares gave the highest retirement payments for all 97 cohorts compared to economies where the share of the stock is reduced, he says. 19659010] <! –

– The coolest example is a person born in 1942 He retired in 2007 and received the final payment in 2017. The total of his retirement benefits will be 500% higher than that of A product "balanced at 50% with a reduction of 55 years," says Sætem.

According to him, it is the most widely used wallet.

  • The employer pays between two and 25.1% of his salary annually. Two percent give a low pension, 25.1 percent give a good pension.
  • There are DNB, Storebrand, Sparebank 1, Nordea Liv with several who manage your retirement benefits. They often choose a "default wallet" for you. For example, 50 percent of stocks, 50 percent of interest rates. You can even change the portfolio to more or less equities
  • When you retire (no sooner than age 62), the deposits plus the return will be equal to your total pension. The amount is spread over 10-15 years.

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Protection against Stools

The Managing Director Anders Skar and the savings economist Bjørn Erik Sættem in Nordnet are responsible for trading the shares and funds. Unexpectedly, they are favorable to saving because Meihack does not take into account the idea of ​​reducing the share of retirement savings with age.

– It's not about what we want to sell. Calculations of the past 150 years show that it may be wise to stay with 100% of the shares even after retirement.

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Managing Director Anders Skar and savings economist Bjørn Erik Sættem at Nordnet believe that Norwegian pension savers need to pay more for shares. Photo: Hanna Kristin Hjardar

The economist crates Knut Dyre Haug at Storebrand, in theory, agrees with Skar and Sættem, but says that in practice Storebrand is not not able to reduce participation in retirement savings clients

agrees that the higher dividends are correct, but we do not think that the majority of those who have a defined contribution pension are willing to have 100 percent of the actions all the way. Honestly, we do not think it's true either. You can imagine that when the money will be withdrawn and you live off of them, the desire for fluctuations is not particularly important. "

Storebrand increased its share of the" recommended pension "product from 50 to 80% five years ago, and we made calculations that gave customers an additional $ 1 billion in return.

– We are absolutely of the opinion that we can have a higher stake, but we do not think that the shares to 100% way to go, says haug.

<! – [19659011] Gjensidige Director of Communications Christian Haraldsen says that there is no disagreement about the fact that a high share in time should generate higher returns than interest rates

– But you can not talk about fairness to withstand short-term fluctuations in value.The goal of automatic shareholding reduction is to reduce the risk that a part of the retirement capital is lost in a stock market so shortly before retirement age that one can not recu to sustain loss "

. Nordnet says that as long as the national insurance plan payments account for between 70 and 90 percent of the individual's total pension, it is unlikely that anyone will find that much of the pension is lost on the stock market. Retirement savings exposed to the stock market represents 10 to 30% of total pension capital.

– The payment of the National Insurance Fund is in fact a secured sovereign obligation. Skar

– If we really depend on this money to have a passable retirement, then we may be able to guarantee one to three years before each year of payment, but this one coverage is likely to provide a lower pension, says Maihack.

Sættem considers that the board holds "100% of the shares until your death", which is suitable for people with experience in equity and equity investments [19659002] – Although we believed that sticking to the plan under severe corrections. Fear takes over and they sell at a disadvantage. They should instead adhere to a recommended solution with 80 percent of stocks and a gradual decline, he says.

From Zero to Gold

Egil Maihack has good and bad stock market experiences.

– I had a credit portfolio when I was younger, which went more or less to zero by the old stool and which was successful in individual stocks like Algeta, where shares went from 53 to 362 crowns. But I've basically seen that it was worthwhile to be a long-term owner of strong companies, "he says. (Terms)

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