Offset: – Stopped a few days after birth


Earlier this month, Cardi B (25) and her husband Offset (26), or Kiari Kendell Cephus, as he mentioned, could say that they had become parents for the first time time.

revealed that the daughter was born on July 10th.

Offset, which is part of the popular raptrio, Migos, has not had time to enjoy life as a dad freshly baked for too long. Friday, he was arrested with his bodyguard from Atlanta in the United States, after being driven by a Porsche


According to the online newspaper USA Today, police brandished Porsche while the

The police should then notice a smell of narcotic marijuana in the car, and thus drive the car. As a result, the 26-year-old rapist was arrested for possession of several illegal weapons and 25 grams of marijuana.

Offset already in trial after being arrested for a similar event in 2015

The 25-year-old man has not yet commented on the incident himself and one does not do not know if he has a lawyer, according to the website.

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  LARGE STAR: Offset on the stage during the Wireless Festival just before being stopped by the police. Photo: NTB Scanpix
BIG STAR: Shifted on stage at the Wireless Festival just before being stopped by the police. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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The Children's Home

Cardi B, whom he married at a secret ceremony last September, also did not comment on the arrest of her husband [19659015]. , and the three other children of Offset

Like her husband, Cardi B is also a world-renowned rapper

In an interview with The Breakfast Club in April, Cardi B that many had contacted her after the pregnancy was known and more or less warned that the role of the mother would destroy her career.

– A number of women tell me online: "Oh, I'm sorry for you Oh, now your career is over." It really annoys me and hurts me. Why can not I have both things as a woman? Why do I have to choose between a career or a baby? I want both, she thundered, according to

Wanting More Intimacy

Even though Offset and Cardi B have enjoyed great success as rappers, it's completely different from the music that makes the headlines.

For a long time, the duo tried to keep their intimacy, something that she pointed out in a Twitter post when she revealed that she had been secretly married.

– That's why I called my album "Invasion She wrote:

The 25-year-old girl did not give details about the unfolding of marriage, except that she and her boyfriend woke up one day … decided to marry

Yet, little details can be found between the lines, and Harpers Bazaar has made a glimpse of what was happening at the top secret event – which took place on September 20, 2017.

The duo must have rented a priest to himself, and the Marriage apparently found somewhere in the room, according to the website.This was one of Cardi's cousins, who served as a witness.

Cardi B was not pregnant during the ceremony, as she commented on herself in the post:

– Now you can stop saying that I have children [19659000]] ” data-srcset=”// 640w, // 1024w, // 320w” data-defer=”view” src=””/>

See also: – I have a complete introduction to my upcoming wedding

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