Oil tank emptied after a leak in Alnaelva


The fire department drains an oil tank to Alfaset in Oslo after an oil leak in Alnaevla. This is probably the cause of the discharge.

"We are now working to empty a real oil tank in the Bring area of ​​Alfaset, which is probably the cause of the landfill," writes the Oslo Fire and Rescue Center. twitter.

They write that it is difficult to estimate how much it has elapsed in the eleven. The fire department has installed lenses in several places to limit the damage.

"There is a lot of diesel odors along the river," reports the fire department, which sent a large team.

"The impression is that it's a lot, it can be a leak and we consider it a potentially serious leak," said Vidar Pedersen, head of operations at the Oslo Police District in Aftenposten.

In summer, about 50,000 liters of fuel oil were dumped in Alnaelva and further into the fjord, necessitating the closure of Sørenga's bathroom.

(© NTB)

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