Are you one of those who have suffered for years with a daily tablecloth with a tran or a tablet?
It may now prove to be in vain.
Cochrane Research and Health Organization, published a research report on Wednesday which shows that there is little or no effect on the health of taking omega 3 donations. [19659002] – We are absolutely sure of this investigation, which goes against the popular belief that omega-3 donations are positive Lee Hooper, the Cochrane leader, at the BBC
More than 100,000 maps
The researchers made 79 different intervention studies
These are studies that test the causes of certain diseases in the population.
More than 100,000 people were consulted to find out if omega-3 donations were positive for reducing cardiovascular disease, stroke and mortality.
In summary, the conclusion is that the chance at f to have a positive effect on the health of taking one to 1000 omega-3 supplements for cardiovascular diseases
However, eat fish in its natural form should be good for health
. A good proof of the statement, based on the fact that they have mapped several thousand people over one to two years.
Cochraine is an independent, non-profit organization that collects health research results and has more than 28,000 volunteers in more than 100 countries.