Opens three crisis ports to control food for farmers – NRK Sogn og Fjordane – Local News, TV and Radio


  Nina Manning

BØNENE HELP: Border Guard Nina Manning at the Måløy office of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority is ready to help.

Photo: Private

– This is the situation, no matter the situation, we must all go help, cross the border Nina Manning to the office of Mattilsynet in Måløy.

In the weeks and months In the future, the Måløy vet is ready to control imported foods that can stock farm animals for drought-stricken farmers in southern Norway. Following a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture last Thursday, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority opens border control of food imported from third countries at their checkpoints in Egersund . , Måløy and Ålesund. To this day, there are control stations in Borg and Oslo in the Oslo fjord doing this job

– We know that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority can help to solve quickly the food crisis without becoming too bureaucratic. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that we prefer that farmers get food from Norway as far as possible. Harald Gjein, General Manager of the Food Safety Authority, believes that the need for importation is important and is working to find practical solutions

  Poor Grazing

FOR SMALL FOODS: Crushed Farmers make farmers leave southern Norway put in the hair of despair.

Photo: Harald Kolseth / NRK

Can import food from other parts of the earth

The crisp summer has caused the worst food crisis in Norway several times. decades. Norwegian Farming Advisory will be contacted by gray-scale farmers who lack food for tens of thousands of animals.

While peasants bought more fodder from other places in the country earlier in the year,

or the nearest neighbor country, it is almost impossible to get food.

With little access, the Food Safety Authority does not increase imports from third countries judged by the United States, Canada and New Zealand. These are foods that must be approved and verified before farmers can use them.

The food shredder Alf Steinhovden, in Sogn og Fjordane, made his first efforts to hunt at the lowest possible price, which prompted people to buy fodder in the region to which he is opposed. Food Safety Authority.

By opening three new border control stations for food in western Norway, where the situation is particularly difficult, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority hopes to help farmers make the choices the most reasonable. Three new border control stations along the west coast will be able to receive vessels with imported food from countries outside the EU and the EEA in the future. Here from the Måløy control station.

Photo: Nina Manning

Diseases That Fear

  Geir Pollestad

HELST FROM NORWAY: Geir Pollestad (Photo) and Mattilsynet want Norwegian cattle to be fed by Norway.

Photo: Anders Fehn / NRK

Geir Pollestad, Representative of the Stirings at the Center Party, Does not Know That Massive Imports of Feed Can Cause Diseases and Infections

– When We import countries with other diseases than us. In Norway we have designated the good health of plants and animals in Norway for a risk

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority and Pollestad are in turmoil, but the director of Mattilsynet says that they must be implanted

– We know a lot of bacteria and viruses that can spread in food. That's why it's a misdemeanor. We see that there is a crisis, and with a view to animal and food production, we must make the most of the situation, but according to the guiding principle that it is animal and mathematical, Gjein said in Mattilsynet.

<img id = "ftUkQ8Z7fYjWL36nTVobMQ" sizes = "(min-width: 1180px) 639px, (min-width: 720px) 56vw, 100vw" srcset = " 80w, https : // 160w, 350w, 450w, 650w , 1000w, 1200w, 1600w, ftUkQ8Z7fYjWL36nTVobMQi474kkCSqEIAkZHZtvut1g 2000w "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "alt =" Harald Gjein, head of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority One of the things we are asking for is that food comes from a variety of sources. free zone Contagious animal diseases, that no domestic manure should be used and that a public veterinarian in the exporting country be able to document this, says director Harald Gjein at the Food Safety Authority.

Photo: Mari Press / Veterinary Institute

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