Özil withdraws from the national team


Mesut Özil announced Sunday night on social media that the World Championships against South Korea became his last international match

– The treatment I received from the German Football Federation and many of them do not make me want to wear the German national costume anymore. I feel junk and feel what I have accomplished with the national team since the year 2009 has been forgotten,
Özil writes.

The star of Arsenal finished in 92 international matches and was part of the team world champion in 2014.

The controversial Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Arsenal Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan of Manchester City when he was in England before the Turkish elections.

The two players of the German national team posed photos with the president. The German Association of Football Associations (DFB) obviously respects the special situation of our players from immigration, but football and the DFB are values ​​that Erdogan does not respect, said the president of the DFB, Reinhard Grindel.

During Erdogan's regime, Turkey has been repeatedly accused of human rights violations.

Ozil himself commented on the meeting.

<img title = "Foto: Kayhan Ozer" alt = "Ilkay Gündogan, Mesut Özil and Cenk Tosun met Erdogan in London Mesut Özil and Cenk Tosun met Erdogan in London Photo: Kayhan Ozer

– On I accused him of being a liar and a fraudster, but the meeting between us had no political intention, it was to respect the highest direction in the country of my family, wrote the player in a press release

Ilkay Gündogan, Mesut Özil and Cenk Tosun met Erdogan in London.Khanhan Ozer Özil was born and raised in Germany but has the Turkish grandfather

– I have two hearts. One in Germany and one in Turkey. When I was young, my mother taught me to be respectful and never to forget where I come from, writes the 29-year-old

Opposition to the press
Özil also goes against the German press in a long statement. published on his Twitter account

– Some German newspapers use my background and image with the president as a propaganda for political law and their case.

The national player claims that some parts of the German press used his track record and the presidency Germany made a bad World Cup.

– They did not criticize my game or my team, they criticized my Turkish origin. It goes beyond a border that must not be crossed when newspapers are trying to overthrow the German nation against me, he writes.

The football star claims to have spent the last few weeks reflecting on recent events. – I understand that this can be difficult for many to understand. But whatever the outcome of the election the last time, or before, I would always take this picture.

– Whether it's the Turkish or the German president, my actions would be the same, writes Özil.

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