People rage about American women who have rarely killed giraffes in South Africa – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


Tess Thompson Talley, a 37-year-old American, is now facing strong reactions to the images she shared during a hunting trip to South Africa last summer.

In a Facebook post, Talley posted photos with a rare and self-aware black giraffe.

– The biggest dream of my life has come true! I've seen this rare black giraffe and pursued it for a while, she writes in the post, according to The Guardian.

Despite the fact that the trip took place a year ago, comments and reactions to social media and information sites abound now. Most of them are far from being positive in the narrative.

Famous Faces Razors

The Africaland Post Twitter account, AfricaDigest, also published the photos of Talley, where they designate her as "partially Neanderthals." [19659007] – A white barbarian American, partly Dutch, comes to Africa and kills a very rare black giraffe. She calls Tess Thompson Talley. Please share this, writes the newspaper in the post Twitter

The post has received a lot of attention and is divided more than 40 000 times.

Several public figures also spoke to express their rage.

The artist Moby describes the woman as "ruined and soulless", television journalist John Simpson calls it a "silly woman", while comedian Ricky Gervais uses words a lot stronger . and former "Will and Grace" star, Debra Messing, is also heard in Talley

– Tess Thompson Talley is a cruel, mean, heartless and selfish murderer, writes Messing, adding that Talley must have a black heart.

The Giraffe Attack On Other

Talley tells the story of CBS News that she points out that everything was headed by the animal park.

– This is controlled by park management and they control the conservation of animals, she says, adding that the giraffe was old and known to attack young giraffes.

– Now that the giraffe is gone, young men have the opportunity to get married, she says.

Messages to explain the circumstances of the hunt in South Africa

– Hello, friends. Just to explain how the ecological hunt goes: The money I spend on hunting in Africa goes to the local animal welfare. Practically, I donate – what did you do for wildlife recently? talley writes

Only 100,000 giraffes again

If zoos are in agreement, it is legal to hunt giraffes in South Africa.

Still, Talley's images had a ring effect.

Trophy hunting, where hunters often pay large sums to kill animals, is controversial in the country.

Hunting is often justified by the return of hunters to animal welfare and the maintenance of parks. He also reports huge revenues – in total, the animal industry in South Africa, with hunting, livestock and tourism, is worth two billion a year.

The South African giraffe posed is considered extinct and several experts have already mentioned the species. like being "extinct in silence". In total, there remains less than 100,000 giraffes on the planet


FOLK RASTE: In 2015, more than a million people suspected that the local favorite lover Cecil had been shot down by the arrow and bow of dentist Walter Palmer in Zimbabwe. Palmer was charged with hunting, but the trial was later dropped.

Photo: – / AFP

The reactions are similar to those of 2015, when the American dentist Walter Palmer shot and killed the Cecil lion outside of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe

. comedian Jimmy Kimmel cried in a Youtube video and several gave money to the park and condemned the actions of Palmer

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