Pharmaceutical giant must pay 38 billion to 22 women – Health – Law and Law


The jury took the side insulted, 22 women, in The question of J & Js Products containing talc contain asbestos, a carcinogenic substance.

Women claimed that prolonged use of the company's talcum powder, also called baby pudding, and other cosmetics are the cause of their cancer. ;ovary. & Johnson pays a total of $ 4.69 billion in compensation and compensation, equivalent to NOK 38 billion.

According to Sky News, the largest payment company has ever faced.

A lot of cases

And the storm is in no way against the pharmacist.

J & J is fighting in 9,000 other similar cases.

They won the previous trial and refuse to produce any of them is carcinogenic

The company calls the decision "fundamentally unfair" and says it will appeal of the decision.

They also indicate that the American Food Safety Authority considers that the products pose no health risk. [ad_2]
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