Police are tired of rapperbråk – stopped party in Vulkan


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650 tickets were sold for the Kojo Funds concert at the Vulkan Arena, but in the queue before the concert, there was more without a ticket trying to be done physically.

The police were called and they arrived "almost in the atmosphere," said operations director Vidar Pedersen in the Oslo Police District at NTB.

– We decided to have a great presence during the concert. It was simply necessary, he says.

After the concert, the funds organized a special guest party. Since most of the spectators left Vulkan, the police chose to do the same.

However, the receipt of new messages did not take long.

– Then we simply decided to leave the event. The amount of resources we want to spend is limited when many other people need help from the police, "Pedersen said.

The Oslo police had to send several messages about filling, disturbances, threats and fights until Sunday.

– Generally that night there were a lot of events. I do not know if it's Christmas season, but it's unfortunate, "said Pedersen, adding that no one was happily injured seriously.

Police received complaints from Lysaker

The rain that fell on Oslo also contributed to a very wet party.

At Lysaker, the drivers left with a lot of water on the road.

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