Police evacuated a city center in Mysen – NRK Østfold – Local News, TV and Radio


A person was taken to a shelter after receiving smoke.

Police evacuated residents in a combined residential and commercial building in Smedgata in downtown Mysen, as well as four people in a nearby building. The evacuees were brought to a nearby club

– Smoke is above the town of Mysen, so keeping the windows closed makes sense, "says Jan Tore Lorentzen, operator at the 110-cent east

Mysen, Eidsberg, Askim and Marker

– The house is large and relatively insightful, so it is a demanding fire, the operator Jan Tore Lorentzen informs to the East of 110

What makes it difficult

– This is an old house built in several stages, and then we have a lot of cavities in this house, says Lorentzen.

Total damage

Lorentzen says that they were told that it is the danger that the building is completely damaged.

– We are in the next phase, we do not have any damage. do not have control, but we have a fire in the house.

We are in the next phase, we do not have the e control, but we have a fire in the house. 19659002] Police were informed of the hour of the fire at three pm

– It is too early to tell how the fire started, says operations director Kari Monsen in the police district # 39;. common / cradle / jquery / dist / jquery.min "async" common / js / lib / requirejs / plugins / async / async "signals," / common js / lib / signals "pair" / common js / lib / couple / couple "unispring" "text" / common js / lib / scores / unispring "comScore" https://static.nrk.no/comscore/latest/comscore.min common / charmille / requirejs-text / text "facebook:" // connect.facebook.net/nb_NO/all",instagram:"//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds",twitter:"//platform.twitter.com/ widgets, "Pusher" // js.pusher.com /3.0/pusher.min"},shim:{Tinycon:{exports:"Tinycon"},Push: {EXPORT "Pusher"}, JSON: {EXPORT "JSON"}, vkbeautify: {EXPORT "vkbeautify"}, facebook : {EXPORT "FB"}, unispring: {EXPORT "unispring"}} wait 15 seconds, MAP: {"*": {PubSub: "standard line: / common js / lib / PubSub", "Serum.Pubsub" : "standard row: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub", "Serum.Plugin": "online standard: Type / plugin / Serum.Plugin" "Serum.Profile": "standard row: / comm on js / lib / Serum.Profile "" Serum.Asset.Img ":"! Online Standard: Common / Module / Active / Serum.Asset.Img "" Serum.Date ":" Online Standard: Common / Module / Date / Serum.Date "" Serum.ScrollTrigger ":" Online Standard !: js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}} / common;
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