Police had advice on who are the dead in the Maridale


Police work to identify the deceased and also received advice on the possible identity of the victim. They are now following these tips, police police in Oslo said in a press release Friday afternoon


The constitution of the law made it difficult to determine the cause of death, but the police believe that the person was killed. "Said police advisor Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby in the police district from Oslo to VG.

Police received preliminary autopsy report. It seems that the cause of death, sex and age are still uncertain. The final report of autopsy is available no earlier than three months.

This is a secure document sent for DNA analysis. Police hope the material can provide a DNA profile that they can search for in their records.

Sighted Examined

The former Nazi newer John Edvin Lie, 55, is charged with murder and paralysis. He was detained for four weeks on Thursday, but appealed the order on the spot. The 55-year-old man refuses to be sentenced

Friday morning, he was examined by a doctor in jail to find out if there were any traces of his body that could be related to him. 39; case.

The investigation is under investigation technical and tactical. The police want advice and information from people who have been or have stayed in the Hammeren area of ​​Maridalen before Wednesday 18 July. This also applies when the person was found on the 15th of Wednesday

(© NTB)

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