Police may have found deadly weapon in Vadsø


The discovery was made in the area around Vadsøya by police teams, reports the Finnmark Police District on Monday.

– The article has now been sent for further forensic analysis. Initially, no further research is planned, as new information suggests that research should not continue, says Anja Mikkelsen Indbjør, police advisor.

At the same time, technical and tactical investigations are continuing. The police want to interrogate the young man in the weeks to come.

Håvard Pedersen (18) was stabbed while working at Coop Byggmix in Vadsø on the evening of Saturday, 14 July. He was pronounced dead soon after. A 17-year-old man who arrived in Norway as a minor asylum seeker in Afghanistan in 2015 is charged with murder. He did not receive a penalty after the sentence.

The 17-year-old is arrested at the Oslo District Court for another two weeks. Police agreed that it should be the subject of a letter and a ban on visits, as well as a ban on newspapers and broadcasting. The question of prison was treated as an office case – that is to say without the parties present – Monday

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