Press photographers raised their thumbs for Sting


Boikottet the concert of the artist in Norway.

This time, we consulted the journalist's photographic archives

. On the photo of the week, we see photographers from the Press Photographers Club (PK) with thumbs up. This is the day after Sting's concert at Drammen Hall in November 1985, which the press photographers baptized. Not a single photograph was taken during the concert

The reason for the boycott was the artist's claim to sign a contract that imposed severe restrictions on the use of the images

"Press photographers said no to Sting's concert", "Sting became all-powerful", "Strings conflict", "Strike Boost Press Boycott" and "Sting Boycotted" read newspaper headlines on the table. [19659003] Later, all agencies of the Norwegian Press Association agreed that no one would agree on the right of the press to publish texts and images at public events, said the reporter on Dec. 13. 1985.

We do not have all the names, but on the right we see Jaques Hvistendal in the middle Jan Dahl with his arm and his right thumb and next to him Vidar Knai .

Here you can see more pictures right now.


– The journalist plunges ib ildearkiver and looks at how the press has worked in the past.

– This time: PK is dissatisfied with the artist Sting

  It looked like the photo had been printed in the Journalist No. 20 - 1985.

It looked like the photo was printed in the Journalist n ° 20 – 1985.
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It looked like the picture was printed in the Journalist n ° 20 – 1985.


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