Printers abandoned business applications – hundreds of thousands of savings


Tor Laukvik (49) was in the start-up phase with his first entrepreneurial project in 2014, when Nofas, Norway's largest consulting firm, was specialized in writing applications for computer programs. public support that Innovation Norway called. When meeting Nofas, according to DN, Laukvik introduced what was called a standard contract. Nofas' adviser advised the founders to seek the help of Innovation Norway, which could provide faster payment and more money than Skattefunn, writes the newspaper.

– But when we got to Innovation Norway, we had questions why why we had always said that the external should write our application, Laukvik told the newspaper.

Laukvik and his two fellow citizens quickly realized that they could pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to Nofas.

– So very harmless for a newly created small business of 20%. But we spent two days writing the application ourselves. You risk losing hundreds of thousands of printers for a job that could take a week. It's not in line with the effort, "Laukvik told the newspaper.

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