Professor of Law: This point in the leases with Andresen is an embarrassment for finance ministers


Siv Jensen presented the two leases that she concluded with Johan H. Andresen for DN. The Prime Minister's Office was sent to both agreements at the same time.

The finance minister has signed an agreement providing for the rental of a cabin for ten years and a boat for one year at a time. Law professor Jan Fridthjof Bernt of the University of Bergen examined both contracts.

It is in this regard that he took notice of a one-year termination notice. The cabin rental agreement stipulates that the cancellation period is one year. "The agreement is valid for one year at a time," says one in the agreement on the shipyards.

Jan Fridthjof Bernt, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergen. Siv Jensen inaugurated boat and cottage leases, as rented by billionaire Johan H. Andresen

Jan Fridthjof Bernt, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergen. Siv Jensen inaugurated boat and cottage leases, as rented by billionaire Johan H. Andresen
(Photo: Eivind Senneset)

Dependency conditions

– Both contracts provide for one year notice. This means that there is some kind of dependence for Siv Jensen in Andresen. She relies on her good will to continue to benefit from a lease that competent economists qualify as very beneficial. I mean that makes her incompetent in all the affairs where Andresen is involved, and the infinite then infects the whole ministry. No one can make decisions in Andresen cases, "says Bernt.

Secretary of State Siv Jensen, Petter Kvinge Tvedt, replies on behalf of the Minister of Finance:

"As Jensen has said all the time, she will be very cautious about future skill problems, and she explained it in detail to the Storting," he said in a statement. email.

Head of the Ethics Council

Johan H. Andresen chairs the board of ethics of the oil fund, a board charged with evaluating the companies that the fund should withdraw, based on the ethical standards adopted by the Storting. Johan H. Andresen was appointed to this position by Siv Jensen in 2014. Andresen has been appointed to this position by Norges Bank, which, according to the guidelines, will nominate candidates for the Board.

– As regards the Ethics Council as an organ, it is not incompetent nor in contact with the chairman of the board. Inherence, it will only be in the personal affairs of Andresen, either because of his continued function on the board and its terms, or because of the fact that it is a case where a spotlight is directed against his work or Mr. Bernt said that the lack of impact was perceived as a serious loss of prestige.

"So, what about her eventual continuation, will she be incompetent?"

"Yes, I really think so," he says.

– Very unhappy

Andresen is appointed chef until May 31, 2019.

"On the basis of what has emerged, it seems tolerable that she avoids dealing with matters relating to Andresen or the supervision of the Board of Ethics.This applies whether her lease is deemed to be on one side On the other hand, it is very unfortunate that a minister has such a private relationship with someone working in an organization for which he or she is responsible, "said Bernt.

DN asked Johan H. Andresen if he would like a new period at the helm of the Council of Ethics.

"It is not natural for members of the Ethics Council to express their potential candidacy to anyone before they are solicited," he wrote in a message.

"It is the Norges Bank that recommends members of the Ethics Council (although many people have clearly had an interest in believing that it is the minister himself who appoints without the recommendation of the other By the way, I do not have any comments, he writes. (Conditions)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our business using a link directly to our pages. The copy or any other form of use of all or part of the content may only be done by written authorization or as permitted by law. For other terms please see here.

Eva Grinde of DN: After the offer of one of the most powerful of the company, it was a question that Siv Jensen had to be himself

DN commentator on Siv Jensen's lease agreement with Johan H. Andresen.

2:20 min


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