Pussy Riot members sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment after the runway


Four members of the Pussy Riot activist group are sentenced to 15 days in jail after storming the ground at Sunday's World Cup finals.

The fight was stopped shortly before the guards left the field. One of Pussy Riot's members managed to make a "high five" with French favorite Kylian Mbappé in the central circle.

Just after the parade, Pussy Riot posted a post on Facebook and Twitter where they took responsibility for what they described as a protest action against the political regime in Russia. They also listed a number of conditions, including the release of political prisoners and the end of illegal arrests during protests.

The four members were found guilty of violating the Act on Spectator Behavior. sentenced to 15 days imprisonment. They are also excluded from participating in sporting events for three years.

(© NTB)

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