The price of gasoline made a byx just before the weekend and is now record in Norway. Analysts believe the price will continue to rise.
The indicative price of the essence of the largest chain, Circle K, is now 16 crowns and 70 crowns. According to the NRK, Norway now has the fourth highest gasoline price in the world after Sierra Leone, Hong Kong and Iceland.
According to the director of communications, Pål Heldaas, in Circle K, the price of Norway has risen about six months. high oil prices have compounded. There are international conditions that push prices up.
– There are several simultaneous reasons why prices are rising, such as high dollar prices and high oil prices. There is also the international demand for fuel now, says Heldaas.
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The price of a barrel of oil is currently about 80 dollars. The oil analyst Torbjørn Kjus in DNB Markets think the price will reach 100 dollars.
– I think that there will be an increase in prices throughout the fall. Especially if Libya continues to struggle. Then we can get prices for the $ 100 barrel. If Libya comes back, I think we will have prices of 80-90 dollars, "said Kjus
with a price of 100 dollars a barrel, the price of gasoline will follow at a level well above 17 liters.
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