Red Dead Redemption 2 review


Sometimes our perception of storytelling and art is transformed and never becomes the same again. We keep all the good memories of such experiences where we change in one way or another, listening to the entire wall of Pink Floyd, seeing the city fall back into the world. Inception or arriving for the first time at the neon-lit Vice City. time. These moments are dear to us and it is necessary to create them by true masters. That 's why Rockstar occupies such a special position in this industry because almost every one of us has at least one such moment in one of his projects. It can be a bank robbery in Grand Theft Auto V, a shootout at St. Mark's bistro in San Andreas or when safeguarding the Love Fist group in Vice City.

For many players, however, this is the moment when safe death on the US-Mexican border ends with a million stars in the sky and José Gonzalez's Far Away film that holds John Marston in company the strongest experiences the medium has to offer. This is certainly one of the few experiences that change the way you look at stories, how to build figurines, and how powerful these digital stories can be.

Red Dead Redemption 2

It's on the basis of moments like this that Rockstar wanted to return to the Western Universe with a sequel, and on this foundation was born Red Dead Redemtion 2. A duty to do better, to do more to lower your spirit in the universe and tear you apart. Now, I can finally tell you if Rockstar has achieved the ambitious task they set themselves several years ago and if, once again, they have managed to create an experience and memorable moments that will transform our understanding of the ability of media.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Although Red Dead Redemption 2 shares the similarities with Grand Theft Auto and the original 2010 Red Dead Redempion, it is clear from the first moment that many of the mechanical fundamentals of the previous titles were rejected in favor of something newer and more recent. heavier. It's the beginning of something new for the studio, while it's wrought in the flames of something very famous.

The old, wild West is about to die slowly but surely. Through the flames of industry, the landscape is transformed to meet the need of a more modern population, which is now composed of entrepreneurs rather than victims, doers rather than thinkers. The modernized mentality also follows the presence of the state, Uncle Sam, and the socio-structural cadres who create law and order, but all this is done at the expense of the freedom that European settlers have gone find. This state of mind does not suit the Dutch Van der Linde. He wants to escape the strict grip, rules and establishment of the government. It physically distances itself, creating a path for like-minded people to follow the wild, virgin landscape where they can protect each other from the more modern mindset. It is here that we find ourselves in the role of Arthur Morgan, Dutchman's Deputy Commander, a reliable bodyguard and a loyal member of the group. Morgan discovered that Morgan was a boy and was raised to follow the same ideals. His loyalty knows no bounds, his will is unwavering and, although the gang usually wants to take away other unhappy souls, he sees little reason to question Dutch's motives. After all, he has offered weddings, children, and goods for these ideals, ideals he believes in himself.

Red Dead Redemption 2

But as you may have already guessed, this is not an adventure where people find happiness and a sustainable retirement. It's a tragedy as it should be. It's a story of being as close to what you want, but still unable to reach it, as often with lost tragic lives, defying the slopes and breaking connections in Rockstar games. First, it's worth mentioning that the game does a great job of introducing new and old characters, who not only have interesting things to say but who interact with Arthur and create their own narrative threads. In the middle of everything, we find Arthur: a loyal and stubborn performer who does not cheat and who appreciates that people do not walk around the porridge. As Dutch, he knows the paternal care of the group. Whether it's the squirrel Bill Williamson, Sadie Adler raped, Wise Hosea Matthews or Charlie Smith, he looks at these people and they are watching him. Throughout history, we see them swearing among themselves, sharing intimate moments around the campfire or performing untoldly cruel and barbaric actions against others before sharing a beer. one with the other after. They are far from heroes, but the group slowly but surely becomes a global character that you look forward to and the different individuals become the faces of this character.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Rarely does a game have the power to bring a player to be interested in a community of distinct personalities, where it is so easy to point out one's strengths and weaknesses while immediately feeling responsible for each of them. This is due to a constant shelling of clever script writing, which reminds you regularly of past events while following important parts of the story. It's a narrative look at details that you will rarely find elsewhere, and certainly not at this level in other Rockstar games.

As the game's story unfolds, the camp will migrate across the gaming world. This drives the story into action, creating a sense of progress and hope. 39, momentum from beginning to end. As soon as the camp breaks down, you are free to use all the proposed systems. Where many Rockstar games have given you a base, a room or at least a house that the characters can call, nothing has been close to base camp in Red Dead Redemption 2. Here you can interact with each character and You have unique and interesting stories to tell each time you come back. You can change Arthur's clothes and shoes, which you can buy more in the world of the game, or you can shave. Arthur's hair and beard grow in real time, which means you'll see sea urchins grow after a day and two without using a razor. In addition, you can participate in mini-games and master them, such as card games or dominoes. The camp will flourish and grow as you work to support it. If you track down a few animals and spit out a few dollars, the chef can then prepare a better meal, which will give you better endurance through better nutrition, and camp residents will come up with better types of ammo for sale. In addition, the camp ledger also offers upgrades to the individual tent, as well as an overview of all available medications, ammo and feeds. You can even use animal skins to customize the look of the camp.

The camp is a game mechanic. It performs a function for the player and connects Arthur to the game world by shaving, eating, sleeping, connecting and proposing new missions. But it is something more important than that. It connects you directly to this group without faith or law. The camp will be expensive, and will not be the least, it will be a house in a way that Rockstar has never been able to present before.

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