Regionregionen Mæland: – I'm going to shut up!


There was once a minister who wanted to bring Norway together in large areas. Overall, all? No! A county at the top of the map refused to give up.

"Stakkars Mæland: Ho does not really know how he started."

(Messages in the Facebook group "We want Finnmark to be their own region.")

– This is not not only in Finnmark that county mergers upset, "said Monica and Monica Monica. Mæland

We are sitting in the office of his department in Akersgata, surrounded by two councilors and a photographer. The government stack is brilliant, the eyes are blue and the tone is good.

– There is also great opposition to mergers at Aust-Agder, where I grew up. And Viken, who becomes a giant crowd with Akershus, Buskerud and Østfold? Good discussion too! And in Bergen, where I live, nobody walks for "Vestland" and the merger between Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane! I have a lot of jaws because I have accepted the Vestland

– So you get caught in other parts of the country, not just in Finnmark?

– I'm going to shut up! Mæland hits. Then she cautiously adds:

– Maybe I can go to Trøndelag. This is the first time that a mountain trout can travel to Trøndelag for peace.

"Experience a free Finnmark!"

Because in Trøndelag, it seems to be the happiest merged romance between North and South. The promotional video "Trønder" of the new county municipality is so full of drummers, charmers and singers that most Facebook people are affected by tears. In Finnmark, on the other hand, it almost triggered a total war against the government minister Monica Mæland and her government

FACTS: Monica Mæland

  • Born February 6, 1968 in Bergen. Raised with his parents and a sister in Bergen and Hisøya near Arendal. Today, living in Bergen with a spouse and two children, a weekly commuter in Oslo
  • Lawyer graduated from the Universities of Bergen and Oslo, five years of law practice.
  • Background of Arendal Young Right and Aust-Agder Høyre. Head of the Young Right 1985-1986. Joined the mountain policy in 1999. Councilor in Bergen for 10 years from 2003 to 2013.
  • Minister of Industry in the Government Solberg of 17 October 2013.
  • Head of Regional Reform and "in war "with Finnmark refuses to merge with Troms
  • He recently hosted an important meeting in the joint committee of Troms and Finnmark until August

The resistance movement against the merger of Troms and Finnmark has long been been organized in thousands of social media. The sin, frustration and patriotism of the counties are developing every day, especially because the county council said no before the parliamentary decision, and that the merger must therefore be made under duress

and the word "compulsion" of the Germans during the war. "We never give ourselves! Live a free Finnmark!" That's the tone of the review, and it's probably the first time in Norwegian history that a county council refuses to comply with a parliamentary resolution

The 2018 war corps culminated last Friday when the Finnmark County Council decided not to send people to the new joint committee, where 19 seats would go to Troms and 17 to Finnmark Shortly thereafter, the press release of Minister Monica Mæland:

Finnmark gets only nine seats, while Troms gets another 19. When the meeting meets on August 13, she can still making decisions without Finnmark

See also: "Finnmark does not find it obligatory. Not with anyone. "

Witch Burning

The press release was perceived as a punishment and, if possible, made even more provocative the resistance movement in Finnmark.This does not say so little.Previously, those who had compared Monica Mæland to Hitler and other dictators, and some types of commentary, suggested that the Vardø witch tradition might be something to recover.

Photo: Lene Sørøy Neverdal

Photo: Lene Sørøy Neverdal

Others liked to call Monica Mæland "incredibly arrogant" who did not respect the will of the people, and caressed with quotes such as: "When people with power stop listening to people, it's time to The exchange "Astrid Lindgren)

When Venstre held his last press conference before the summer, the Minister of Culture and Trøner said that Sinei Grande had to say that everyone in the Finn mark should "sit down and watch the trumpet video". Understand: The sweet and inclusive video could inspire the Finnmark warrior to opt for cooperation and reconciliation with Troms. And maybe end up with a video where the drummers sang: "Composed and merged on the same dream song …"?

– What do you think of the suggestion of your government college?

– I thinking that it's just a little more delicate, Mæland sugar.

– I would not say that. I do not try to convince Finnmark either. They want to say what they mean. I have been a local politician in Bergen for 14 years and the head of the city council in 10 of them, and I am well aware of the feeling of having a common enemy in Oslo. In 2007, I came out and criticized the then red-green government, in part because it was a poor representation of western Norway. I went to the edge of Oslo and there were many newspapers and debates says Mæland.

Also read: – Whatever happens now

Meets Ap and Sp

– I am well aware of working against what you think are decisions unreasonable measures adopted in Oslo. It never surprised me to get angry when the Storting makes decisions with which you do not agree at all, which seems to me a little strange, it is to hold a referendum long after the Storting made two decisions. I do not understand why they did not do it in advance? Or between the two decisions? Ask Mæland, who agreed that PA leader Jonas Gahr Støre and leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum both urged the government to turn to him.

"Monica Mæland: Do not confuse Troms and Finnmark in a prestigious affair" wrote Støre on Facebook. "People are clearly saying no, the merger is weakly rooted, tasks not clarified, a bad start for a new region against the Norwegian border in the northeast, a wise government can say: We are putting the case on ice and reevaluating in 2022 against experiments with regions elsewhere in the country. "

– I think it's very strange that Sp and Ap, who were in government during 2000, believe we now have a system that locally surpasses the parliament. I do not think they mean. I think that they only think of decisions with which they are not in agreement says Mæland

Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Local Government and Monica Monica Mæland (with back to) for an hour of questions in the Storting. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

Party leader Jonas Gahr Støre and Municipal Minister and Modernization Monica Mæland (with back to) during an hour of questions at the Storting. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

– But when you see the great resistance of a county that feels invaded – do you worry that they are losing faith in the political system?

– I understand that they feel invaded. But I'm even more worried if we get a new political system in which anyone who does not agree with the Storting may not be able to make a decision on a settlement, says Mæland

– I also understand that you are deeply disagreeing and upset. does not mean that I have to go to parliament and say that "this is not Finnmark, then we will be, then we will scratch all the reform of the region." When people call me "arrogant" – do you think that if we, as a minority government, have not implemented a decision imposed by the Storting on us? In any case, it would have been arrogant! So, unless the Storting takes a new decision, Troms and Finnmark will become a county from 1.1.2020.

Read also: Vedum alerts Sp proposals to stop the Finnmark force

In the cave lion

Monica Mæland has now turned her full attention to us. When we walked into her office, she sat so energetically on her cell phone that she did not notice that counselors, a photographer, and a reporter were sitting around her meeting table .

Five Favorites

Music: I say Abba, me! I grew up with them

Movie: The Danish dogmatic film "Feesten" (1998).

Film: "The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair" by Joêl

Food: My husband's Italian pizza Tom Rentrer chez soi!

For the journalist, who comes from stubborn Finnmark, it sounds a bit like entering the lion's cave. But perhaps this is offset by the fact that the photographer is from Sogn og Fjordane, who goes further with Hordaland?

The Minister looks up:

– I had to report something to a slightly over-informed mayor. It was borders, she cries briskly, still with her southern dialect of Hisøy after several decades in Bergen

"A mountain emptiness with flaws of speech", as NRK once said . Just it seems that his father was a little more fun. In his day, he was the young typographer from Bergen who, with his young wife, left the hometown of the early 1970s to work at the Agderposten in Arendal. The daughter Monica was three years old and was born in Bergen

. The family will settle in Hisøy outside Arendal. Here, Monica grew up with her parents and a sister, in her own opinion with Abba and the movie music of "Grease" as a soundtrack. In her 80s, she became one of those girls from the right who worked in nearby radio and wanted to end the monopoly law and the opening hours of the NRK

. For now, it's really going to be wrong. "

– A brutal way of cultivating

She discussed a lot of politics with the father who grew up in a home and whose typographer was active in the labor movement, and later came to vote on different parties, from Ap, SV to Frp The mother worked as a home help and was more concerned about health problems, while her mother, Monica Meland's grandmother in Bergen, ended up voting right. did the most to support her grandson, believes Monica Mæland.

She lived in Hisøy until the age of 19, but then she returned to Bergen to study for her. she was very good with her grandmother, who sometimes came by bus from Sandviken and to her dormitory in town with prepared dinners.

After the prison, Monica Mæland established in Bergen as that lawyer, married a mountain boy, two children and at the same time installed in local politics in Bergen. At the age of 30, the grandmother died, and already the following year, Monica Mæland's mother died at age 51.

Monica, who herself turned 50 this winter, said she thought it was brutal. Growing up She had never lost anyone before, and now two of her loved ones disappeared in a year. The mother had been stuck in the family, so everything was changed. The father moved from Hisøy to Arendal, and together they bought a cottage in Setesdal where the family can gather during the holidays

Also read: "Only at home" this summer?

Sleipe and Uzbek President [19659011] Last Dagsavisen interview portrait of Monica Mæland two years ago she was still a peaceful affairs minister who was sometimes accused of being insufficiently visible in the media . But she had already handled several high profile articles such as the Yara case, the Kongsberggruppen investigation and especially the Vimpelcom case in Telenor.

In the fall of 2015, she had her "Martin Kolberg moment" "At the NRK, where she and then Minister of Fisheries Elisabeth Aspaker had a rather elusive appearance, with many strong and lazy jokes. on cod, eagles, Uzbek presidents and Vimpelcom

[L'affaire continue plus bas] 19659069] The Minister of Municipality and Modernization, Monica Mæland (H), with Finnmark refusing to merge with Troms Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

Municipal and modernization minister Monica Mæland (H) with Finnmark who refuses to be merged with Troms Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

But Since she's become one of the most famous and controversial government ministers, it has not changed much in Monica Mæland's life. She continues to shuttle between her family. and Bergen every weekend, something that she does dep almost five years.

– But I probably have not aged in those two years, she says.

your two children?

– Yes, I have not received more, hibernation! But yes, they are 12 and 16 years old. I do not have any new man either, it is exactly the same (last I checked). And the bitch is the same …

– And your son is still in the buekorpset "Dræggen"?

– Yes! That's him. And his mother is happy, says Mæland, who feels like the senses of the mountain in the mind and skin. Although she spent her childhood in southern Norway, she never bothered her. It's easy to watch if it's angry or sad

– Have you ever become that sweet southern country?

– No! Southerners are very calm. They say, "I can have it," when they really mean, "It was a good meal!" But I do not want to give a backdrop to the southerners. I am very fond of Sørlandet, we are always there, in our hut in Setesdal. But temperament and mood, I'm probably rocky. I am quite direct.

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– I did my

So, Monica Mæland would be well matched to Finnmark, also is known for clear speech. Nevertheless, there is still a complete cut between Mæland and Finnmark. Now, for a long summer vacation, waits for you until the D-Day of August 13th. It will then be clear if the Finnmarks are settling into the joint committee (which they said they do not do) and on Troms' submissions in reality.

The latter is not yet clear. . But what happens then? There is no precedent in Norwegian history for this situation. Counties that do not do as they are imposed by the Storting, what do they do?

– Will you use a summer board to take a good solution for Troms and Finnmark and this conflict? which has occurred?

– No. This is not me who will solve that. I did mine. I do not have a secret plan or tool that I have not used yet, says Mæland.

– We have established a regulation on the composition of the board of directors, but it will be the councils of the counties of Finnmark and Troms. take. They may procrastinate, but I suppose they will lead the municipal elections next year. It's your responsibility. They also have a responsibility to employees of the county municipality and an important process of complete arrest. I know I'm worried about the employees, says Mæland, who also has to think about the big municipal reform.

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Last since

"I'm not afraid of involvement

C & # 39; was the right really wanted when the party had long wanted to get rid of county councils.It would not be KrF and Left, so they wanted regional reform in exchange for support for the reform of the municipality. June of last year, a majority of Storting became the subject of this vote, with three voices of overweight

– How does he work so intensely to implement a reform that the right wing does not want? [19659003] – It's about dealing with democratic decisions, about agreements that are included I acknowledge that the Supreme Court did not make the majority at Storting We must enter into alliances, we must compromise, I am fundamental to a reform e from the municipality, and I think it was just that we do not have the majority for this reform to enter into agreements to set up larger municipalities. It is the municipality that is responsible for the inhabitants from the beginning of life until the end of life. As Mæland says, most people do not think of the county municipality as: "

– I have probably never heard anyone so happy in his county municipality, as in Finnmark.It is very special to see how to embrace its county municipality, but it is an administrative unit.Finnmark does not go away.You, who are from Finnmark, will still be Finnmark after 1.1. 2020 says Mæland

– Finnmark is not the only one to have his own identity, his own belonging and his own opinions on his own development.It is in the west of Norway, in Trøndelag, in southern Norway and in eastern Norway.Mæland admits that this spring has been quite fierce even for a politically hardened mountain sensation that's held in the middle the legendary and bumpy railway debate of Bergen

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(The case continues)

Monica Mæland, Minister of Local Government and Modernization. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NPK

Minister of Local Government and Modernization, Monica Mæland. [VidarsRuud/NPK

Even his father, who likes a good discussion, is probably a little "daddy" for all that is written about his daughter on social networks

– But I have drove the building board to Bergen, and there you do not spend as much as a birdhouse without much debate about it, Joke Mæland.

– I'm not afraid of involvement, it's the essence of politics. Thanks to a city that cares! And thanks to a county that cares! I have the impression that someone thinks that I am almost looking for conflicts and that I am cultivating them. But I am only eager to make decisions so that we can continue. I still think it's an exciting task. And dear friends, it is quite voluntary to have this job, no one has forced me to do that. "Choosing yourself is a good choice," as my grandmother used to say. She was passing from Harstad, says Mæland, who knows very well that Harstad is located in Troms. Or, "Troms and Finnmark", then, if she gets what she wants after 1. 1. 2020.

The case was originally published on Dagsavisen. no

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