Reputation: Xbox ships with streaming consoles and regular consoles in 2020 –


Phil Spencer launched many debates by leaving Microsoft's E3 conference on streaming and confirming that he was already comfortable with the development of new Xbox consoles. As for the latter, it was special that Spencer said consoles in the majority that allowed many to block their eyes. Does Microsoft plan to release more Xbox consoles at the same time in a few years and what focus on streaming would represent for them? In recent weeks, there have been several credible rumors, and many of them are supported by even more people we trust.

Among others, journalist Brad Sams published a video confirming more details. . Sams is known for having very reliable sources at Microsoft, and these should now have confirmed that the project under the code name Scarlett consists of two different products. The first is a new, more powerful Xbox that everyone expects to see while the other is a kind of streaming box. The latter will not be as strong as the first, because it will rather broadcast the games. This does not require much hardware to run the games, but a fairly fast network. The reason many have doubted such a thing for a long time is, among others, the fear of increased response time, delay and other similar things like streaming on the internet but Sams sources claim that Microsoft should have solved this problem. Otherwise, let the hard drive collect some of this information on an ongoing basis.

We should, as expected, lubricate ourselves while waiting for official information because the plan is supposed to launch these two products by 2020.

Good in harmony with what we have heard before and the philosophy on which Microsoft is becoming more and more concentrated. By releasing a streaming product, they do not need to spend so much money on the production of powerful consoles, and instead earn money on Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass and sales. games in general. However, they do not want to forget about people who do not have or no access to the network, and apparently also launch a traditional console where all the work is done in the local hardware. It will be very interesting to hear how Microsoft produced this, for the last time that they tried something similar, they were slaughtered.

Do you think they'll be there this time too, or do they really want to move on to the gaming industry? ] // where FBauthStatus = "unknown";

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var path = /ajaxstuff/join.php? ajaxRequest & # 39 ;;
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other {
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