Researchers find the possible reason why coffee makers are healthier


Caffeine seems to do something good in the body of the mouse.

The History Card:

– The intake of coffee has been associated with good health, and now scientists may have found an explanation.
– The studies are, however, based on mice, so the results do not necessarily apply to humans.
– The Danish researcher finds that there is no reason to drink coffee to prolong life.
– Research is at an early stage

More population studies have suggested that coffee drinkers are less prone to premature death, cancer, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

However, studies have shown that not been able to determine if the caffeine content is the cause.

In a large number of experiments on mice, German researchers can show that caffeine activates a protein that helps protect heart muscle cells.

At the same time, researchers can show that mice consume a lot of caffeine. "These results should lead to new and better strategies to protect the heart, including taking into account the coffee intake in the older part of the population," he argues. researchers in a press release

The new study conducted by Professor Judith Haendeler and Professor Joachim Altschmeid of the IUF-Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine in Düsseldorf, published just in the scientific journal Plos Biology.

With existing research and have already described how different scientific studies have suggested health benefits of drinking coffee.

The Danish Advisory Council for Prevention (VFF) published a report in 2015 which gathered the knowledge on the ground, and the conclusion was clear:

Coffee seems to be in good health, but we do not know not why. 659005] The head of the working group who wrote the report, clinical associate professor Kjeld Hermansen of the Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Aarhus, read the new German study.

Hermansen is both impressed and enthusiastic.

– It is very comprehensive and exciting study pointing to a potential mechanism. According to Hermansen, this can help explain why we see these effects of coffee

Read also: How does the daily cup of coffee heal?

Musestudy: How to Help the Heart of Coffee

conducted a wide range of experiments on caffeine on cells and on mice.

They have, among other things, looked for a mechanism that explains why coffee seems to protect against multiple diseases. They studied if caffeine can be the healthy ingredient.

Studies show that caffeine displaces a protein (p27) in the mitochondria (cell energy cells)

It protects heart cells from cell death and can turn a cell type into a "Our attempts indicate that the Caffeine can affect health – by protecting and repairing the heart through the p27 in mitochondria, "says Judith Haendeler in the press release.

See also: The brain remembers caffeine better

Sick mice live longer

In another attempt, researchers conducted experiments on obese mice, mice and mice exposed to develop type 2 diabetes.

If they received a quantity of caffeine corresponding to four cups of coffee a day, much less damage to the heart suffered.

"Increasing the amount of p27 in mitochondria in the heart muscle Claws can be used for cardiovascular diseases and perhaps other problems," writes Haendeler

See also: This is in the coffee machine

Coffee without caffeine protects against type 2 diabetes

also comes with some surprises.It says among other things that German researchers find an effect of caffeine, not just the coffee in general

Hermansen says that previous studies have shown that regular coffee and caffeine have the same effect on diabetes

.] – There are nuances that are interesting with coffee. have seen that filter coffee and espresso have different effects, says Hermansen.

– All of these things are still unclear.In our 2015 report, we concluded that it is difficult to determine if the effect comes from caffeine or other components of the coffee. And there are more than 200 different substances in coffee.

Read also: Coffee extends life, average researchers

Remember: The tests were performed on mice

The result does not mean that everyone should take coffee to prolong life.

Research is at an early stage.

In addition, Hermansen points out that the tests were only conducted on mice, and it is impossible to say whether the same mechanism exists.

– In humans, we see a connection between coffee consumption and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but we do not know why, says Hermansen.

– We do not know if the same mechanisms exist in humans and mice.

Read more: Coffee makers were more positive in their own meetings and those of others in meetings

Researchers check type 2 diabetes with coffee

published recently in the scientific journal Nature Communications, researchers have discovered a genetic mechanism that could explain the relationship between coffee and a lower risk of diabetes.

It is a gene that makes small proteins that can regulate blood sugar.

The researchers spliced ​​the genes in mice with diabetes and when the mice received coffee, they made the proteins controlling blood sugar.

The research work is a "proof of concept" that shows that cells can help regulate diseases. to adjust the consumption of various everyday products, such as coffee.

This article was published for the first time on

© V Translated by Lars Nygaard for research. N °


N. Ale-Agha et al: "CDKN1B / p27 is localized in mitochondria and enhances respiration-dependent processes in the cardiovascular system-new mode of action of caffeine," Plos Biology (2018), doi: 10.1371 / journal.pbio. 2004408

D. Bojar et al .: "Caffeine inducible gene switches controlling experimental diabetes", Nature Communcations (2018), Doi: 10.1038 / s41467-018-04744-1

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