Researchers say sleep problems increase the risk of dementia


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Researchers at the Karolinska Institute have discovered that insufficient sleep increases the risk of dementia. However, those who sleep too much are not without risk.

A study shows that the risk of dementia later in life increases by 24 percent if you have sleep problems in the 40s or 50s. In those who have a bad sleep in the 60s or 70s, risk of double dementia at a later stage.

But people who sleep too much should, according to the study, be a little confused. Sleeping more than nine hours a night increases the risk of dementia. In addition, the increased need for sleep in itself is a symptom of dementia.

The researchers hope that sleep disorders attract more attention, so that personalized diagrams can be inserted.

– The results indicate that at certain stages of life, we are very sensitive to sleep disorders and that these increase the risk of dementia, write the researchers.

The results come from three studies conducted in Sweden and Finland with more than 2,000.

Also reading: New research: High blood pressure can lead to Alzheimer's disease

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