Review: Sharp Objects on HBO Nordic – Creepy, but should it go so slowly at first?


Thrillers series Sharp Objects is a big summer initiative of HBO Nordics this year, and it has a lot of fun: A set led by women, led by two stars in great shape. A story that wants more than entertaining, here is the great interpretation room. It's about inherited sin, love for life, sickly love, and where we are ready to go to be seen. Ibsen would make a nodal call.

TV Series

9. July 19659004]

Series Thrillers in eight parts


HBO Nordic

" Southern State Gothic and strong female roles, but can it go so slowly in the beginning ? »

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In addition, he is invitingly packaged in a light Southern Gothic blend of beautiful white lace and nature dresses, against scenes of grotesque killings, drug addiction and other boring sides of the small town idyll . It's a cocktail we like.

But "Sharp Objects", based on a novel by Gillian Flynn, poses a big problem: it's so unbearable at first.

So slowly that we must see at least half of the eight episodes before the tension runs smoothly. Nor does it mean that the beginning is thus at ordinary degrees. Surprisingly, coming from a thriller writer like the groundbreaking novel "Gone Girl" became so familiar with her surprising quarrels that she started a new crime scene.

Dead Little sister

Here is a tired journalist (might as well be a police investigator at half-time) who is sent home to the small town that she left many years ago so to sneak into one, or maybe two, mysterious childbirth. At the same time the traumas of the past are revealed, recalling current events. She is also deeply alcoholic, of course. Camille Preaker (Amy Adams) seems to be a classic detective hero, except that she's a woman and not a man.

The home of the small town of Wind Gap awaits Mother Adora (Patricia Clarkson), matriarch in the gigantic mansion, who lives to be worshiped. She likes to believe that she has total control over everything and everyone, both in the small town and in her own family. The exception is Camille, who went, and was given the role of the black sheep of the family. Now, the flock of Adoras consists of a kuet husband and half-sister Amma de Camilla. A third sister, Marian, died of an unspecified illness when Camille was small, but Adora kept her bedroom as a frightening mausoleum.

Grandma is an overprotected teenager treated like a little child and dressed like a dock. When she is at home, she is so adorable with her impressive dockhouse, a miniature version of the family home (here's just a question of friendly symbolism). But outside the house, she is a bitch girlfriend in pants and roller skates, rushing on various substances.

Dangerous and innocent

Australian Eliza Scanlen is beautiful as Amma. She has control of steel on the exchange between childlike innocence and vampiric sensuality, a duality that characterizes many girls of the age. But at Amma's the latest, we finally understand. So also with the mother and the big sister, also the brilliant cast. The actress trio carries the series between them and makes the most of the scenes they have together.

The contrast between dangerous and innocent, or desire and protection, is found at several levels of the series. The insalubrity is reinforced by the cross between the past, the present and the hallucinations. This hurts the reality and at the same time the pursuit of the murderous child, who can still be in the midst of them. Several candidates appear, but if you have not read the book, it takes time to see the pattern. An undeniable advantage for a series of thrillers, although it requires much more patience on the part of its viewers in the first episodes.

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