Right now, Destiny 2 is totally free.


At the opening ceremony of the Blizzcon Fair on Friday, Blizzard offered a delight to Destiny fans. The developer delivers Destiny 2 completely free from November 18, if you have an account on Battle.net.

Destiny 2. Image: Petter Lønningen / Gamer.no

To obtain a copy, simply log on to the Blizzard website and activate the offer. It is specified that accounts created after November 2 must configure Blizzard SMS Protect before playing.

The offer applies to the Destiny 2 main game and does not include the recent Cause Extension.

Free Gambit Weekend

In addition to giving Destiny 2, Blizzard has announced a new free test of Gambit mode. All game owners can try the multiplayer mode as much as they want between 9 and 11 November.

Gambit was introduced in Forsaken and is a kind of mix between player and player / environment. Two teams fight in each of their areas to defeat enemies and collect enough points to summon an enemy boss. The team that defeated the boss ends with the win, but it's not as simple as it looks.

In addition to scoring points for their own team, players can enter the world of the opposing team. There, they create the most chaos and possible problems before finally being sent back to their own world.

We liked Destiny 2 when it came out last year.
Read our review here »

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