Romerike Leaf – Coop supports free shopping bags and gives you money if you use them


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(Nettavisen): – There are probably thousands of unused handsets in the drawers and cabinets of the country, says the manager Coop Knut Lutnæs Environmental Registry in Nettavisen

Next month, the grocery group will distribute free trade networks for all its members. In total, Coop has 1.6 million members in Norway.

Less plastic

Coop hopes that at least 700,000 of them will pick up a bag in a store in the Coop, Obs, Coop Mega and Coop, Coop Market and Food Cup chains

– We want to facilitate the use of less plastic, says Lutnæs.

But such bags are environmentally friendly only if they are reused

In order to ensure that they are also used, Coop introduces a reuse bonus on the goods for each use.

  Coop's new retail network

Coop's new retail network

– We want to motivate people to use networks. We do this by ensuring that the retail network does not look like a clean billboard, but by obtaining a reuse bonus, Harald Kristiansen continues to Nettavisen

The handrails are plastic extracted from the cane at Sugar, the most According to Lutnæs, shopping bags can be used hundreds of times and recycled as normal plastic when they are worn, says the director of the environment

Silje Ask Lundberg, head of the Swedish Conservation Agency, applauds the actions of Coop.

– I think that sounds like a good idea. We know that multifunctional networks must be used multiple times to compensate for the extra environmental impact by manufacturing them. Therefore, I think that a bonus system for use seems very nice, she says. at Nettavisen.

Lundberg thinks that Coop will be relieved of a growing awareness of the population on the need to reduce plastic consumption.

– In recent months, we have noticed that people's attitudes change. People are much more aware of the importance of having reduced marine sedimentation. I think people are going to do what they can to reduce their plastic consumption, "said Lundberg.

  The New Distribution Network of Extra.

The New Distribution Network of 39; Extra.

Coop will mainly offer the premium for two months, August and September. If people use it, it will become permanent.

– If people do not use the handset, it will have no impact on the environment. We have to find solutions that people use, otherwise they only make things worse, says Kristiansen, and continues:

– I am very happy that Coop is coming to work with that.

More Innovations

The Three Major Grocery Chains in Norway Are All Equipped With Innovations related to the bags that they offer to customers. The Kiwi and Coop chains have introduced paper bags from May 1 and Kiwi also plans to cut 200 tons of plastic in the fruit and vegetable department by 2020.

Rema 1000 has launched a brand new 80% recycled plastic bag earlier this year and made plans to cut 304 tons of plastic.

– We see that many of the chains are taking steps to reduce plastic consumption. It's not just about sacks, it's about reducing packaging where it's needed, "said Lundberg in Nature Conservancy.

Kristiansen says Coop has already cut back on 4% consumption of plastic bags in its stores.This is not insignificant.We also find that the turnover of paper bags has tripled compared to 2017. As for the bags in paper, these volumes have really increased in recent weeks, after the launch of the new paper bag in May 1.

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