Romerikes Leaf – See Dana Cup at – we will send the matches to 18 romerikslag


But it is only Tuesday and Wednesday.

In addition, we will of course send the final laps later in the week

The matches are visible to all RB subscribers

in Hjørring at Denmark.

The tournament was held for the first time in 1982 and is emerging as the most international football tournament in the world. This year, teams from 46 countries are participating

Each year, there are approximately 25,000 participants. The organizer states that the number of teams in this year's Cup is about 1000. 288 judges will see the players.

1,260 medals and 123 cups will be distributed during the week

In total, 2,430 games are taking place this year. The matches will be played on 65 different tracks does not send any course but a selection.

By clicking on this link, you will see which teams we are sending in a group game.

The link also allows you to select the different paths you want to match.

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