Sandefjord Blad – Post will end with daily delivery


(Nettavisen) – Each household receives only three items sent during the week. The daily distribution of mail is no longer a base, "says Tone Wille, CEO of Posten Norge.

For the third quarter of 2018, the decrease in mail volumes was 15.5% compared to last year. This means that all six letters are gone in one year.

Each household receives only three mailboxes addressed during the week. Wille thinks that it is necessary to go to mail every other day starting in 2020. Otherwise, it will be very expensive for the state.

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– Alternatively, government payments for the purchase of unprofitable postal services will continue to increase. The reduced number of fixed distribution days does not prevent good solutions for mail and e-mail packages in the future, "Wille said.

She stressed that for actors with special needs, such as newspapers, it is necessary to find alternative solutions. Norway on Friday released quarterly figures showing a turnover of 5.64 billion euros, down 2.8% from the same quarter of last year. Adjusted operating profit amounted to NOK 126 million, compared to EUR 130 million. (ANB)

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