Security problems in the Oslofjord tunnel: – The train of vehicles in the Osloofjord tunnel is suddenly in flames. Several security issues revealed


The train of vehicles was foreign and consisted of a tractor and a semi-trailer.

Nobody was injured in the fire, but two members of the road had to be evacuated after seeking refuge in one of the tunnels shelters.

  • Watch the video of the event taken in the Oslofjord Tunnel at the top of the case.

Terje Langsrud arrived in the Drammen Tunnel towards Drøbak, when he saw a road in front of him that had an orange light under the car.

– It seemed like a fire. By the way, I saw that there was fuel or oil on the floor. The dripping dripping drops from the car's chassis, Langsrud told Dagbladet last year.

Several security issues

A similar event occurred in 2011, when a vehicle also began to burn. A report now reports several deviations and security issues in the tunnel.

It is written by the Norwegian Commission of Civil Aviation for Transport in a press release.

"The vehicle started burning in the tunnel as it was heading towards Drøbak, and SHT's investigations showed that this fire, similar to the one in 2011, was caused by a harrier. stepped up quickly and the vehicle was overturned in a short time. "

Among the gaps, there are delays in lowering the ramp, which means that more vehicles entered the tunnel while the truck was on fire.

"Among these, there were two cars that continued their way to the fire before stopping."

The train of vehicles was loaded with toilet paper and everything was completely burned in the accident. A fire is also reported in the two road tunnels that stopped behind the burning road train.

However, the fire was not passed on to other vehicles because of the "good fire-fighting effort" of the fire departments.

Provides safety tips to the administration of Norwegian public roads

According to the report, the background of the fire is related to the engine overload. It was also revealed insufficient signs of maintenance in the Oslofjord tunnel, where several security issues were detected.

The Norwegian Commission for Civil Aviation for Transport has listed them:

  • Absence of a complete deflection system in which defects and deviations with tunnel safety equipment can be reported and where the technical operating status can be monitored and followed.
  • Several faults and deviations in tunnel safety equipment were not detected during periodic inspections.
  • It is not the practice of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to comply with the Manual R511 internal guidelines for the approval of the safety of operating tunnels.
  • The Norwegian Public Administration of Roads, as Tunnel Manager, has not updated the Oslofjord Tunnel contingency plan in accordance with the requirements of the Tunnel Safety Regulation.
  • The Norwegian public road authority, as Tunnel Manager, did not carry out regular exercises in the Oslofjord Tunnel, in accordance with the requirements of the Tunnel Safety Regulation.

The Havarikommission issued four safety recommendations to the Norwegian Public Road Administration following these findings. The Commission writes that many of the discrepancies were known to the administration of Norwegian public roads before the fire. In addition, unknown deviations were revealed under fire.

The Commission states that "The Norwegian Public Roads Authority establishes a comprehensive diversion management system for the recording, handling and tracking of faults and deviations with safety equipment in the tunnel. ; Oslofjord. "

They also believe that "periodic inspections have not been sufficient to detect faults and discrepancies in tunnel safety equipment" and that "regular and complete inspections are required".

In addition, the Commission considers that the emergency plan at the time of the accident was obsolete with regard to the volume of traffic when it was dated July 2012.

They also discovered that "the Norwegian Road Administration, as Tunnel Manager, has not carried out regular exercises in the Oslofjord Tunnel, in accordance with the requirements of the regulation of tunnel security ".

The last full year in the tunnel will have been completed in 2012, according to the Havarikommission.

State Road Administration: positive for the survey

Nils Audun Karbø, the Norwegian authority for road safety, heads the department of Akershus Roads. He is in favor of the Commission's review launched after the 2017 fire.

"It's good that they found learning points on how we can increase the level of security after that. We are largely in agreement with the safety recommendations and we are going to examine them in detail, "he told Dagbladet.

Karbø points out that the security systems worked as they would in this event:

"There were no serious injuries and the incident was well handled.The Road Administration followed the emergency plan that applied.

He underlined several points which could be improved and with which the Norwegian public administration of roads has to work.

– We treat deviations today, but we have different systems where they are treated. We will work for a complete system of deviations. Periodic inspections are being monitored, which we have already done this fall. We also carried out a fire inspection.

As for an emergency plan, he says that they already have one that is filled during such events.

– Not uncertain

Karbø points out that the Oslo Fjord Tunnel is not a dangerous tunnel for traffic:

"It's a safe and secure tunnel, with lots of equipment." During the event, there were fans and courier systems for road users who were not working. gap we take seriously.We perform regular inspections and tests in the tunnel and find something that does not work.We will repair it as soon as possible.Worse, we close the tunnel.When it is open, it is always safe to travel.

"We appreciate such a review and are doing our best to raise the level of security," he concluded.

The Oslofjord Tunnel is an underwater road tunnel that crosses the Oslo Fjord between Akershus and Buskerud. It is 7,306 meters long.

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